Excellent article on WT mind control!

by truth_about_the_truth 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gespro

    GREAT POST TatT Daystar writes:

    I've seen too often that a person will simply replace one slave dogma for yet another.

    BINGO! The year and a half I've spent on these boards has shown me that this statement is very important to consider. As dubs,our minds were trained to think a certain way. Without deep deprogramming, the basic framework stays the same and is suceptible to the next pushy 'salesmen' or the 'last great idea I heard'.

    I have to study, with the same fervor I did as a dub, mind altering material that will re-train the mindset the WTS gave me from birth. Not an easy task...

    Thank goodness for people like Randall Watters

  • daystar
    BINGO! The year and a half I've spent on these boards has shown me that this statement is very important to consider. As dubs,our minds were trained to think a certain way. Without deep deprogramming, the basic framework stays the same and is suceptible to the next pushy 'salesmen' or the 'last great idea I heard'.

    I have seen this tendency with people after having left a large number of different religions that bind people similarly to the JWs. It gives them the illusion of having freed themselves. And, admittedly, perhaps they are less restricted than they were before, but enslaved nonetheless.

    I'll give an example that will quite possibly make some enemies here, but it is a good example anyway. I've known a number of people who, in rebellious fashion, will leave a rather fundamentalist religion for, say, a less restrictive religion (or whatever you want to call it) like... Wicca. Now, Wicca is much, much, much less restrictive than the WTBTS. However, I have known people to hold to certain Wiccan dogma just as vehemently as fundies do to their Christian dogma. They have not broken free of their bonds. They've simply changed masters.

    They've changed the color and type of their bonds, but that's about it.

    And now I'll apologize for veering slightly off-topic.

  • bother_forever

    May we save and make copies for personal distribution? Found it very good for a JW possibly wanting to see things in a different light, and help them see the control they are under. I must agree with others on the thread that our mind set has been programmed and it is easy for some to just change masters. However excellant read, and would like to know if it may be reproduced if not in whole, in part for personal files. Thanks.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    this took me many minutes between many hours to complete, but i could not NOT complete it because it was so well written and logical and ummmmmmmmmm GOOD!

    bethel minute

  • zagor
  • ellderwho

    Good read, right into favs, J Thomas did not feel your analysis.

  • misguided

    I "felt" your analysis, and thought it was very profound.

    Thank you for sharing your essay with us.


  • dorayakii

    When i finally mustered up the courage to read this "apostate" essay about 2 years ago, it really helped me break away from the thought-patterns inherant with having been brought up in "da troof"... when i was just breaking away mentally from WT indoctrination, i read this essay and was highly critical of almost every statement in it... now that im able to read other sources (without my bible-trained WT indoctrinated conscience making me feel guilty) i actually see the essay in a (forgive the expression) new light... thanks for bringing it up again, i'm sure it will help others who have finally realised the need to break away


    The expression "Jehovah's organisation" can be applied conveniently to any aspect of the religion and is interchangeable with expressions such as "being in the truth"; "Jehovah's people"; "the congregation"; "Jehovah's Witnesses"; "the Watchtower Society", although the last expression is rarely used by Witnesses because strictly, it is a business corporation which they say, is for "legal reasons".

    This made me snigger...... the Watchtower only exists for "legal reasons" huh?...... Which "law of the land" requires them to have a "legal corporation"?......

    This was one of my main "stumbling blocks" while in the bOrg. The boasting of such a big corporation and the reading out of gigantesque figures each month... I also hated the focus on "placing" Watchtower magazines at the doors instead of just reading an encouraging scripture. (Indeed that is what i used to do... they must have been amazed when my Field Service Report" said 20 hours and 0 magazines) Can they not just preach from the bible instead of from Corporation literature?...... Do the R&F JWs really know what the purpose of the Watchtower Corporation is?

    close relationship with Jehovah; dedicated Christians; congregation; loving provision; apostles; oversight; approved associate; elders; holy angels; "other sheep"; personal study; wonderful privilege; "remnant"; cross; the truth; apostle; preaching work; angelic support; refuge; bat; faithful ones; sovereignty; exclusive devotion; Jehovah's organisation; humbly conforming; spirit-anointed; scriptures; spirit-appointed; meetings; cat; qualified men; wait on Jehovah; eager expectation; legally married; whole-souled; lovers of Jehovah; well-motivated; Armageddon; Kingdom interests

    When i read this list 2 years ago the word "cross" literally jumped up at me from the page without even carefully reading the list. it seemed like it was burnt onto the screen and etched into my retinas, negative emotions welled up in me and i instantly recognised, without examining the list, that the word just did not belong...

    This time around, i had to read and re-read the list in order to find the word that was out of place... it was only the 3rd time that i noticed and registered the word "cross" as an anomaly... I'm so happy about how far i've come, little by little, ridding my body of all these bOrg implants...

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