Richie Rich, It's All Your Fault...

by jeanniebeanz 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    I have porcelain legs, I say.

    Get out of the car next time you go to the beach, you say.

    Now I is red like the crawdads at Elsewhere's Crawfest.

    I will not be held responsible for my own actions! It's your fault, Richie!!


    (of the, White womenz should stay in the car, class)

  • Elsewhere

    I guess this means I'm going to have eat you like a crawfish!

  • daystar

    D'oh! Mmmm... crawfish...

    (Of the Homer Simpson class)

  • kls

    I will protect you Richie from the evil Jeannie who is now cooked and now ready for the table

  • jeanniebeanz

    lol, I wouldn't eat me right now...I is slathered from head to toe in Aloe Vera slickery stuff. Of course, if you like aloe vera juice... <runs away>

    *ohhhh...ahhhh...the pain...the pain...*

  • Elsewhere

    Your skin responds to a sunburn the same way it responds to something you are allergic to. The burning sensation and swelling is caused by the histamines your body releases.

    To help it go down try taking some Claritin (Loratadine) and Advil (Ibuprofen). The Claritin will help stop the histamine reaction causing the itching and burning and the Advil will help reduce the inflammation and pain.

  • RichieRich


    I'm critically causcasian too!

    I'm sorry you're burnt!!

    Just watch out for Elsewhere...

  • kls

    Else ,you forgot to tell Jeannie to stay out of the sun

  • BrendaCloutier

    Jeannie..... I am ashamed of you. Don't you know about sunscreen 35 (or 50 for that matter)? I'm very fair and freckled and I never leave home without it! AND I hate my knees and never wear shorts anymore, either.

    My ex-husband #2, Carl, one time decided to lay out in the sun. He made himself a thong by cutting the butt out of a pair of jockey briefs. Then he proceeded to drink too much and sleep in the sun for 3 hours! He's Norsk, and tans well, as long as he doesnt do it all at once. And his tushie hadn't seen daylight in years.

    He was BRIGHT LOBSTER RED on his butt, and his back and legs and bottoms of his feet were burned too. He ended up with sun poisoning (but we didn't go to the hospital). I slathered him in aloe gel and had to put a wet/damp sheet on him to reduce the pain and skin swelling. He could not sit nor sleep on his back or side. He had to stay on his stomach for three days! Later he peeled like a snake.

  • greendawn

    Since you are on a diet a bit of sunshine would do you some good since its action on the skin produces vitamin D. No need to go out at midday in the summer when the sun is very strong.

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