The Cruelty of JW's

by Blackfalcon98 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • fiddler

    Bloodthirsty tribalism of the OT alive and well established in the reality of ISIL. 

    Example of unevolved humanity stuck in the barbarity of bronze age tribalism...or califism...whatever.

    yes, most JW's haven't got a clue about what they are really wishing for.

    careful what you wish for as the old adage goes.

  • Vidiot

    fiddler - "'...most JW's haven't got a clue about what they are really wishing for."

    I have long suspected that if a "true-to-the-text" film adaptation was ever made of the WTS's eschatology, the pure hard-R-rated horror of it would shake even the most hardcore rank-and-filers to their core.

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