Ridiculous Analogy by a Simpleton Elder (CHOCOLATE CAKE/ALCOHOLISM)

by GetBusyLiving 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    An old witness friend of mine had a serious drinking problem and went to an elder in his hall for some help. The elder tried to console him and told him that he could understand what he was going through. He said "I have an addiction too you know - chocolate cake. I just can't get enough of that stuff!" My friend said that he just sat there with his jaw hanging open as this fool went completely off topic for an hour talking about his love of pastry and sweet deserts. Just to shut him up my buddy said he said that he had to work early in the morning and left the primate dreaming about chocolate cake.

  • kwintestal

    And the WTS says that a paid clergy is a bad thing. At least paid clergy = TRAINED clergy. I'm sorry about you friend GBL.


  • codeblue

    Sorry to hear about your friend.....How on earth can they compare alcohol addiction to chocolate addiction...IDIOTS

    and Kwin is right: at least the clergy are trained therapists!

  • potleg

    and they say that the witness religion isn't harmful.

  • bother_forever

    Thats such a typical response from them, instead of listening they like to tell you about themselves. Sorry to hear about your friends subsequent fall into drugs and alcohol, and ultimate death. Good point about the trained clergy.

  • EvilForce

    I'm betting the elder had good intentions....but this is what happens when you have untrained people doing jobs that should have TRAINED PROFESSIONALS. You don't call in an unlicensed plumber to fix a toilet. You don't have your friend Ted do brain surgery. You don't have your cousin Bill represent you in court. YOU SHOULDN'T seek advice from an untrained clergy / mental help professional. Similarly....you don't have a car salesmen advise you on your retirement savings. Nor do you consult your banker for a decision on where to go on vacation.

  • katiekitten

    agreed EF, but they used to actively discourage anyone going to specialists of any kiind. At least they did in our cong.

    They said that the bible had all the answers and that the application of bible principles would solve all problems. Thats why my parents didnt go to a marriage counsellor, thats why they didnt get a trauma counsellor for me when something traumatic happened aged 9.

    Im real sorry about your friend GBL. The very first thing the elder should have said was 'I am not qualified to deal with this, but heres the numbers of some organisations that can provide help'

    If it wasnt so tragic it would be laughable - all those little old Yorkshire blokes, who were nothing better than pit workers, trying to manage serious difficult issues, and psychological problems way beyond their comprehension.

  • Es

    thats so sad. the elders just dont have a clue do they? es

  • greendawn

    And it's really scandalous when such ignorant people deal with jws in Judicial committees where decisions taken can have serious consequences on a person's emotional health. It shows what sort of a shoddy organisation jehovah's people are.

  • Undecided

    Maybe my dad was a better PO, he helped his sisters husband to overcome his alcoholism. He wasn't a JW but his wife was. He started attending meetings and quit drinking. It works for some. My cousin was a JW and went into alcoholism and was Df'ed. He later quit drinking, don't know if he got worldly help or not, he was fired on his job of several years.

    What's the moral of this story? Damned if I know.

    Ken P.

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