Are there benefits to DAing Yourself?

by zenpunk 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sassy

    I've thought about DAing lately.. the only thing is I feel like I make them happy by making it black and white for the WTS.. I dont' want to play by their rules..

    as far as my mom, well she drew her line about not wanting much contact, so I made it easier for her. I was moving any way, so I just didnt' send her my new information. I even closed the email address she knew. I drew my own lines under my own rules

  • Dustin

    I DA'd after being out for two years. I got sick of being even remotely associated with them. It also helped to bring a certain amount of closure. I knew that from then on I could stop thinking about my old life and start working on my new life. My wife was more passive about it, but that's because she wasn't born a JW and had a much easier time leaving it behind.

    I went in and handed it to them personally. It helped to take that one last look to see what I wasn't missing. It helped me confirm I had made the right choice as they all stared at me like the anti-Christ had arrived. As I left it brought a smile to my face and a large dark chapter of my life had ended. If people you always knew treat you like crap now, I say F..k them. They are the hypocrites, not you. You will make new friends and a new life. The benefits far outweigh the consequences. Best of luck to you.


  • freedom96

    Now that the elders will not announce da or df, it has taken some of the sting out of it, in my opinion. You will simply be announced as no longer a JW, and people will speculate.

    To solve that, you could always send a letter personally to anyone that you care about, so there is no doubt what is going on.

    Personally, I have faded, but for the most part due to moving etc, I have been able to do so without any conflicts. Plus, I don't want to feel as though I have to play their game by announcing one way or another what I intend to do with myself. I will not answer to them.

    For others, it is neccessary to complete their transition out of the organization.

    Either way is fine, best wishes to you.

  • Legolas

    Yes there is! You know what the Bible says at Revelation 18:4 Get out of her my people... Because, I believe when armageddon starts, the Organization will be the first to go!!!!!

  • Elsewhere

    I see two benefits:

    1. If asked about why I am being shunned by my entire family, I can say that I am being shunned simply because I chose not to be in their religion.
    2. I get to brag that my family literally refers to me as an AntiChrist ( 1 John 2:18,19)
  • cyberguy

    I understand how you feel zenpunk. I have faded only recently (< 1 year), but I’ve not been DF’d/DA’d (yet). However, by remaining this way, I’ve been in a position to talk to other JW’s, even other faders, about the real truth about JW teachings, whereas this probably would not have been possible had I been denounced from the JW-platform.

    My brother and his family no longer talk to me, but they started this crap while I was still attending meetings! It’s hard to take at times, but like others have said, I don’t want to play by their rules! I’ve done nothing wrong! I’m not going to give in to their crap! However, I understand that some require a measure of closure, and so send a DA letter. Most of the folks I know on this board will support whatever decision you make; we’re very understanding. Take care! Wish you folks the best whatever you decide.

  • Honesty
    Now that the elders will not announce da or df, it has taken some of the sting out of it, in my opinion. You will simply be announced as no longer a JW, and people will speculate.

    To solve that, you could always send a letter personally to anyone that you care about, so there is no doubt what is going on.

    Let your friends/family know before the janitors and window washers know or they will just throw your apostate letter in the trash.

    I say let the shunning begin because when they do it in public it shows their demonic cult up for exactly what it promotes.

  • PointBlank

    Disassociating was the only choice for me after years of inactivity. With my DA letter, I wanted them to know that not only had I found something infinitely better, but that the Society's threats and coersion were powerless. I disagree with the thought that writing a letter is playing by their rules. In my mind my DA letter was a formal rejection of a false religious system. I didn't even want to be remotely associated with them.

    The whole time we were JW's we were taught to stand against opposition. So that's what I did..I opposed an organization that lies in the name of God. There's too many people that leave this religious sect and continue an existance of fear. The only fear JW's should feel is the consequences of remaining in a pseudo christian sect making false claims in the name of a God that has not spoken to them.

  • willyloman

    point blank: Yours is the best argument I've seen for DA'ing. Nice work.

  • Crumpet

    I think I am having a reading problem. Everytime I see this thread reappear i start to thinkg of all the benefits of "DATing myself"! Arggh!

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