Did I miss the Screw your neighbor memo?

by Sparkplug 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Maybe I am at the end of what seemed like the worlds longest day, but I swear it seemed like there was so much hocus pocus going on at work today that I thought I would go mad.

    How is this for starters?

    The JW that sits near me just got back from her convention this weekend. This is the sorriest excuse I have seen for a meek witness if ever I saw one. She decides to get her weeks time in preaching to the gal in the cubicle behind me from 7:30 to 9:30. All the time berating the man who assisted her at the hotel, stating how they did not wake her as requested and that it is stressed to clean your room at assemblies, but she does not do it because she paid her money. Finally when death was upon me I remembered I brought my MP3 player and tuned her out to the most foul rap music I could think of. Followed by some Manson, and then some Santana. (Not sure why that order)

    I watched people backstab, pry, gossip, be two faced and just general crappy people all day and then I come here to relax a bit and what has happened? I was reading a few post and although everyone has a reason, it is like even the board has gone mad. Maybe it is my perception.

    I dont even know what I am trying to ask........

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Sorry for yer dilemma, Sparky. Sooooooo, whydoncha start a fluff thread?


  • Sparkplug

    Maybe I am not sure how a fluff thread goes...all others were probably fluff by accident and the only thing fluffy is my rear right now.

    Just kidding.

    Thanks Frannie b. (was that sarcasm and I missed it?)

    Actually could use some help on how to shut this woman down, for we are union and the JW's at my workplace are so different from any I have ever seen before. They are loud and crass. One actually took the team to the equal emploment and rights issue thingi, (cannot think of the name) and had all Holidays and Birthdays taken out of the workteam she was on. That is until she transfered buildings and well Glory be we got birthday cakes again.

    This gal I work with is so very nosey and the biggest tattle tale loudmouth gossiper I have ever seen in action for a JW. I find it hard to believe she even is one. I thought about humming witness songs loudly all day. You know how much it bugs when someone you cannot stand sings a favorite song. That may really bug her.

    She is driving me crazy. I wonder how much time she plans to put in this week? I wonder if I have any horse tranquilizers about?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Sounds like you are also a little out of sorts, Sparky. When I am like that, I check the barometric pressure. When it's falling, it can make you feel like you are going crazy, feel very blue and/or get a headache. Also, where are you in your cycle?

  • Robdar

    You have a fluffy rear?

    Let's see some proof!

  • Sparkplug


    Would not know where to check the b word readings and have no clue when the cycle is coming. Just had a surgery of types a few months back and all that is in the change process now. Really it was a VERY cruddy day. Not so much emotional, just bent out of joint. Nothing like waking up to find you are a captive audience to the summer convention recap from a BEeeeeaaaaatttttccccchhhhhhhhhhh. Its like I cannot escape the freakin zombies.

    Then If you don't know the ex husband works with me and I loath the slimy lobster. Well he has this thing with keeping tabs and spying on me and right away today he starts the drama. I hate drama and I cannot quit my job and although I stay far away from him...it is like he lives to start crap with me. He has this gang of groupy gals that like to start trash and will not leave me alone. I could care less what he is doing or who, but I have to pay attention all the time because he is out to ruin me and has said so. He is so in the wrong and I cant wait till he hangs himself...but I am in the spotlight as a fav for promotion and have to abide by all of the rules of union, management...etc so I cannot assist in his fall. Be the bigger person, show management skils...blah, blah...blah. I cant believe I helped him get this job.

    Anyhow, I am feeling a bit better just having vented. (For the 100th time today) Thanks for listening.

  • Sparkplug

    Robdar-just ask all at the dinner for Badger this weekend...there is junk in my trunk!!

  • Carmel

    of course we don't gossip or backstab here, huh?


  • Netty
    Actually could use some help on how to shut this woman down,

    Report her for proselityzing (SP?? is wrong, I am sure) at work. She has no business trying to recruit future jw's in the workplace. Especially since you are union. If the JW's in your workplace, have a right to be protected from your birthday cake,(and your fluffy rear end ), then you have a right to be protected from hearing preaching all day long, dont ya think? And especially for 2 hours, what nerve.

    How in the world did you end up in a workplace with so many jw's, you poor thing you!

  • Robdar
    Robdar -just ask all at the dinner for Badger this weekend...there is junk in my trunk!!

    Sorry Sparkplug, I misunderstood. I thought that you were telling the forum that you have a cute bunny butt.

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