
by puppet 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    Welcome to the board puppet! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • garybuss

    Hi puppet, Welcome!
    Anybody who comes into my house and insults anybody important to me, gets stopped right in mid sentence and told they are out of line. If they continue, they are invited to leave. If the visitor insults me, or snubs or shuns me in my home, I will wait until they leave, wait three days, and then call them and ask them not to come to my home again and tell them why.
    I don't WANT to communicate with anybody mean or disrespectful to my wife or to my friends and family.
    I have a rather small house, only room for good friends and nice people. For mean remarks, insulting behavior, or snubbing, I'd suggest the Kingdom Hall parking lot.

  • Purza

    I wrote a "confrontational" email to a family member recently. It felt good to get things off my chest, but it basically did no good in trying to get this family member to see my point of view. I am very close to just giving up and saying to hell with it.

    I would highly recommend sending "a" letter, but maybe after you have had some time to remove some of the anger (easier said than done). JMHO


  • AuntieJane

    Hi Puppet, welcome~I for one hope you do send a letter. If you have a husband who is tolerating that kind of treatment, you need to speak up. Don't bother bringing up the religion crap though. Follow Gary Buss' lead and just use the issue of RESPECT for each other's differences. We are a country based on Freedom to choose...and tell your father that you will no longer condone disrespect. (I assume your husband does nothing to instigate the reaction from your dad??)....I think a real letter to your father is long overdue. Just keep it clean of JW stuff, the best you can.

    Wishing you well,


  • tijkmo

    puppet...i have had the conversation with my folks

    i still see them..but it is a strain

    i saw them for coffee on monday and we all spent an hour fighting to bite our lips..and just generally being polite to each other

    so welcome

  • Honesty

    Welcome to the board, Puppet. This is a great site to find comfort and peace. It also exposes the truth about the WatchTower Lie.

    Vent all you need to here. We all have at one time or another because of what the demonic JW cult does to dehumanize its victims.

    Peace and Security,

    Honesty (of the anti-JW class)

  • GetBusyLiving

    Hi puppet, welcome to the board. It always makes me laugh when I think of how much the Watchtower relentlessly bashes other religions and at the same time will call any criticism of their own organization "apostacy".

    It's just plain silliness and hard to believe adults are still involved with it.


  • Es

    welcome to the board puppet liked your letter es

  • Netty

    Welcome Puppet! We understand how you feel.

  • greendawn

    They are indeed over judgemental and lost sense of the principle that they shouldn't overdo it with judging others because they are themselves guilty of many things. They are not too good to be judged.

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