Watchtower and UN?

by rambaldi 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gerard
    How does the actions of an individual working at the Watchtower Society affect the organization? It doesn’t. The organization is lead by Jesus Christ through the Governing Body.

    Wrong and freaking WRONG.

    The "individuals" who signed the WT into the DPI of the United nations were no unsuspecting JW's, the request is signed by Ciro Aulicino (Bethel Writting Department) and Lloyd Barry (Governing Body).

    It should also be noted that Ciro Aulicino is a researcher in the Writing Department, and as such he had no authority of his own to get the Watchtower Society associated with the UN as an NGO. His "boss" Harry Peloyan certainly must have been instrumental in getting Governing Body member Lloyd Barry, and after Barry's death another GB member (likely Jack Barr) to sign the various application and yearly accreditation forms. As editor-in-chief of Awake! magazine, Peloyan has been in the perfect position to get articles seemingly supportive of UN goals printed in Awake!, and to influence the necessary GB members and other Watchtower officials to buy into the Society's associate NGO status.

    The Borganization is not lead "by Jesus Christ through the Governing Body", it is lead by deceiving humans in charge of a religious cult. Wake up and smell the coffee!

  • jwsons

    This Rambaldi guy should be a perfect next generation of WacoTower and Dark Society borg. I just imagine if he, inside a Kingdom Hall, and drop a little U.N. Library card from his wallet. One of his "beloved" elder saw it and "kindly" ask him about the Library Card with U.N. logo on it. Rambaldi will answer same as what he is cheating here:"It doesn't matter." or "You did see me in a brothel, and on a prostitute bed it soes not mean I am...with the harlot. I only sign the form to promote U.N. Charter. That's all.Jehovah's Witnesses didn't see anything wrong with it." And the elder said "Good boy. As long as you can put 100 bucks in the WWW box everyweek. You'll be fine" [Mind you, this is the truth: Before I leave Borg,in about 2 months, I did put $50.oo every week in that box and show off to elders of my congr. about my contribution and I can give very tough commnents in Watchtower study without problems, eventhough some Witnesses look back stare at me, but all elders said nothing. But I should admit that latter on when I did very severe damage to their face, they stop choose me to answer, but till say nothing. Then I found out money is more important for them than anything else. I quit myself without any questions, disfellowship etc.. Even now they keep asking me to come back. My goodness !] jwsons

  • Hellrider
    How does the actions of an individual working at the Watchtower Society affect the organization? It doesn’t. The organization is lead by Jesus Christ through the Governing Body.

    You know, with dorks like this, it shouldn`t even be necessary for the WTBTS to write the mandatory post-failed-predictions articles, where they blame individual witnesses for "speculating". Like they did in 1975 and 1995. When the witnoids are so programmed that they make up excuses themselves, I believe the WTBTS`s work is completed. It`s not possible to get more brainwashed than that.

  • Etude

    I've noticed that Rimbaldi has not made any comebacks to all that's been said here, especially about the facts that have been stated. Rambaldi, if you're still trolling, please note that I'm reaching deep into my ex-JW mindset in order to respond in a way you would understand.

    1. The difference between going to a stadium for a district or international assembly that has U.S. or other flags floating above or on a stage and joining the U.N. is that the stadium and/or its representatives are not an organization that the Watchtower has criticized for many years and identified as the most abominable institution according God. Something you would understand is the example that the Society liked to use a lot (at least in my time there) regarding Jehu (2 Kings chap. 10). Jehu went to the people of Sama'ria (whom he had been killing all along) and said that Ahab (the king whom Jehu had also slain) had served Ba'al well but that he would serve Ba'al even more (a lying trick). So he asked that all the prophets, priests and worshipers of Ba'al come to the temple for a big old party. After they assembled he went in with Jehon'adab and asked him to make sure there were no worshipers of Jehovah in the temple. Then Jehu actually went in and made sacrifices to Ba'al (even if he wasn't sincere, that brings up a lot of questions) and afterwards went out and told the 80 men he had stationed outside to slaughter everyone at the peril of their own lives if they let anyone escape.

    The moral of the story, as the Society likes to use it, is that we should not identify ourselves with any pagan or political organization in any way for fear that we might be confused and be "slaughtered" when the day of reckoning comes. I was so influenced by the constant emphasis of such an example that I refused to perform alternative service in the military for fear that just by being in a military hospital, I would somehow be associated with the government and put my spirituality in peril. That was no misinterpretation on my part. The Watchtower wanted you to act accordingly.

    2. Speaking of association, are you not aware of what happened in Malawi in the 70s? The government required all citizens to have a card that said you belonged to a political party. If just having a piece of paper that says something with which you may or may not agree is the law or the rule, I compare that to your example of being in a building where a goverment flag is required to be displayed. After all, it's just a piece of paper (cloth), right? But nooooo! The Society insisted that "true Christians" could not bear that card (even if they didn't "honor" it) because it sent a message that they somehow supported the government. Consequently, a lot of innocent people died and many women were savegely raped.

    3. You may also not be aware of a lawsuit that was brought by a Witness in the state of New Hampshire and decided on by David Souter (now in the US Supreme Court). Souter ruled against the Witness' objection to have a New Hampshire license plate that had a patriotic slogan. The Witness felt he could not possibly ride around with such a slogan because his allegiance was to God. Apparently, Souter's decision was reversed on appeal and I don't know what happened to the case. Regardless of the outcome, that example is exactly parallel to the one you state regarding a flag in a public gathering place for a Witness assembly. Don't you see the connection regarding loyalty and association with political and religious institutions that has been clearly inculcated by the Watchtower Society into its members? Do you think the Watchtower Society should do any less regarding the U.N?

    The next principle to consider is: How does the actions of an individual working at the Watchtower Society affect the organization? It doesn’t. The organization is lead by Jesus Christ through the Governing Body. I don’t recall the governing body having a vote on the matter and then publishing the matter to the organization. So…

    4.Now please, don't try to obfuscate the issue by making a distinction between the Governing Body (the Organization) and the Watchtower Society. Have you never wondered who controls whom? Yes, the Watchtower Society is a legal tangible entity. But you know that it represents the interests of the Jehovah's Witnesses whose Governing Body calls the shots. Do you think anyone in control was unaware of the decision to become an NGO? If the implications were not so significant, why pull out when it was discovered and publicized? Why not continue as a member and simply say: "We're just trying to get information." Do you really believe that there's information the Watchtower Society needs from the U.N. that can't be obtained from other sources and requires a membership as an NGO? If you do, I have several impressive bridges, strategically located in major urban areas with huge potential for profits that are available for your investment.


  • 9thWonder

    Then why did they withdraw their membership? There's nothing wrong with it, correct? Why not explain that and keep the membership? Do they no longer have a need for the information? Hmmmm.

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