Concerning Supercalifragilisticexpealideosis

by messenger 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker
    I see that your post is a direct shot at me

    Um, no, actually it wasn't, not directly at any rate. For one thing, by the time I wrote my initial post in this thread, I had forgotten who wrote what. I wasn't aware again that you wrote anything until you posted this message. For another, I wasn't directing my complaint at any persons, but at behavior. If your behavior matched my complaint, then I guess I was directing my complaint at your behavior. However, I understand what you are saying, and I am no longer concerned. I made my point, it seems to have been received well, I am satisfied.

    I didn't mean to make you feel bad.

  • seven006


    You did make me feel bad you bastard. I even cried a little but I'm feeling much better now.
    I guess I read a little too much into your post, sorry. I think if you sent me a nice bottle of 12 year old single malt scotch I might be able to get over it with out years of therapy. Send two bottles and I'll be a normal as Logical.

    Thanks for your reply


  • dunsscot

    I can see from what angle you are coming from as I have had a few digs at Duns.

    In being honest I hope that Duns realises I am only having a bit of fun....I have nothing whatsoever against Duns or his intellectual abilities; I can even handle his big words..........let's face it.....he gives us a laugh and extra bits of information too.

    So Duns.....I hope you read this....:


    Don't worry. It takes a lot to hurt my feelings. I know you guys like to joke, and I take many of the comments here in stride. Duns likes to make people laugh as well. He is not only subtle, but he also tries to be witty. Therefore, Duns sometimes prescinds from this particular media of communication and puts everything in phenomenological perspective as he notes how things stand in their Gegenstand relation.


  • Englishman

    How much oil could a gumboil boil if a gumboil could boil oil?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • d0rkyd00d

    After posting this word, I will have the smallest pencil of all! I'm tired of beating around the bush. We don't even write here with pencils, we type it on a keyboard. soon i will have the smallest keyboard/fingers of all. wOot!


    This is the word for the Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Dahlemense Strain. It qualifies as the second longest word in the english language because it has actually been used in print in the American CHemical Society's Chemical Abstracts. I didn't feel like writing the longest word, which has 1,909 letters instead of the measly 1,185 written above. :)

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

    P.S. Sorry about all the editing. i'm just trying to make the word fit on the dang screen. :)

  • d0rkyd00d

    I needed to bring this back to the top so people could appreciate this huge word i wrote that took me forever damnit.

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • Hmmm


    I only count 1,184 letters, I think you missed a Y near the end. I could be wrong, it's been months since I've had to spell that word.

    ...I didn't feel like writing the longest word, which has 1,909 letters instead of the measly 1,185 written above. :)
  • d0rkyd00d

    son of a.....

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