A Bio of Millions

by millions now living are dead 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    Hello Everyone,

    I thought I would give a quick bio of myself. I was raised a dubber. Every stinkin' family member of mine is a JW including a huge extended family. I am a fourth generation dub (out of 5). I am the only member of my entire family to leave. I come from a long line of missionaries, bethelites, elders, and mic handlers. My great grandpa and grandma were of the "annointed".(That sounds so stupid now) Anywho, here I am waking up from the dream that is The Jehovah's Witnesses.. or was that a nightmare. Fortunately, and I mean really fortunately, my wife did the fade with me two years ago. She is taking it much better than I. I left kicking and screaming, in a psychological sense. I suffer from alot of depression and anxiety. My parents are really nice people and so are my siblings and it breaks my heart to be disconnected from them. I still fear the Witnesses because I fear never being able to see my family again. On the other hand, I am ready to live my life. So I am kind of gearing up to lay everything on the line with the old fam. I'm not sure if I should just continue to fade and let the chips fall where they may or maybe write a DA letter. I'm not sure yet. I never thought that I would ever not be a JW. I was groomed to be a missionary/elder/magazine distributer. I never was depressed before but my mind always asked questions, and I would just put them on the back burner and try to memorize the ridiculous answers from the reasoning book. Finally, the old body couldn't take it and I left.

    As far as my beliefs, I sort of believe that beliefs are just a way to move around the planet and get out of bed in the morning. To realize that my father, who is a smart, compassionate man, is living and will die in a complete illusion makes me realize that truth must be known and not believed. Unfortunately, I don't know anything much at this point so I still believe in certain things, (like beliefs are illusions - ha). I think that the bible is a collection of myths, and to me that is not a negative thing. I think myths are the buffer between ideology and truth. I think that a mind exposed to truth too quickly can be harmful, but maybe not. I spend a ridiculous amount of time asking myself, "Who am I?", "What the hell am I doing here?", "I can't believe I'm not going to live forever?", and "Who is this strange man in my living room?" (Just kidding on the last one.). Sometimes I'm grateful for the experience, since now I am able to see how an entire life can be squandered on an illusion. Most the time I'm just pissed about not going college, although I am starting in the Fall.(In my third decade of life). I am aware of the pain of many of you and the abuse you suffered with this organization. I did not suffer from much abuse other than stifling an inquisitive mind at a young age and threatening the loss of my family.

    Currently, I am trying to come to terms with why we humans seek comfort in ideology/religeon. This gets into the whole fear and desire thing and gets very hairy, since most the time we don't even know we are doing it. Thanks for listening.


  • ButterflyCharmer

    wow, what a heartfelt post. It seems you had some big shoes to fill in the
    congregation. I know how hard it is to be dissconnected from family.
    I was born and raised in as well, i have been out almost 3 years and still
    ask myself those very same questions "who am i", it seems that it has always
    been laid out for us, we were "suppose" to be this hardcore witness and never
    question that. College or anything else was never an option for us, i knew that
    from early. So, like you.. i am going back to school too.
    Thank you for your post, too many here know all too well what you are feeling
    and going through. I wish you the best, and i hope that you will be able to get
    the answer to your questions.
    As far as "fading"or DA-ing, you will know what to do when your ready. If you
    want to try and keep your family close, then fading would be your option.
    Either way, live life and be happy. I am so happy your wife left with you, you can
    be such a wonderful support system for eachother. Good luck.. Oh, and


  • prophecor

    Good to see your thoughts on paper. I think you will have a wealth of experience to contribute to the boards. I look forward to seeing more of yours. Welcome to the club, Mil.


  • Frog

    Hi Mill,

    Was great reading your post, thanks for sharing it with us:) I don't know if it's much of a comfort, but most of us here fully relate to where you've come from, and where you're at now. I like you have become completely dissilouised by my previously held ideologies.

    When I left the org initially, about 3 years ago, I was full of enthusiasm for life and all the new information that I had at my disposal, and the mental freedom to be able to digest it all. As time has gone on though I have a become far more a realist, and agree with what you said on the 'truth must be known and not just believed[sic]'. This rollacoaster ride is a tough one that's for sure, it doesn't really stop, it just starts to slow down with time. When I first left the org I had to hold on to my ideals and belief in humanity, and the power of life experience to enact change, just to be able to get through it and remain optimistic. So I know what you mean about being grateful at times for this powerful life experience. There are plenty of times though when you just feel like 'why me?!'.

    Well, I wish you all the best with your University studies, it's the best thing that you can do for yourself right now, really opens up your eyes and your miind. I'm starting my second semester in a couple of weeks time. I plan to major in Sociology, possibly Social Ecology. What course have you opted for then?

    All the best matey, you'll do just fine, you're made of all the right stuff frog

  • katiekitten


    Come and kick and scream with us! Its good to have you.

  • greendawn

    Welcome, it was very bold on your part to make the move out of the org given the context that all your family are in and the borg instructs them to shun all those leaving whatever the reasons that turned them away.

    As you and your wife gradually adjust to the new life and make new friends you will soon forget the JWs if they don't want contact with the ex jws that's their problem.

  • iggy_the_fish

    Hi Millions,

    You seem to have an enquiring mind and a sense of humour. See you around, good luck with that meaning of life thing.


  • lisavegas420

    Thank you for sharing your story with us. The fade seems to be popular these days.

    Can I ask what was it that really opened your eyes. What questions did you have that they could never ever be answered, that led to your awakening?

    What about your wife? I assumed she was a jw for lifer to, how is her family handling it? and children?

    Congradulations, enjoy you new freedom.


  • hopetofade

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm fortunate in that I don't have any family that are Witnesses. Just my husband and me and 2 kids. So I won't have to deal with the extended family issue. It's stories like yours that I have read here that really made me realize how messed up this whole thing is. That someone should have to suffer so much pain because they don't agree with something anymore. I wish you the best!! Hang in there.

  • JamesThomas

    Warm welcome to you Mill.

    truth must be known and not believed

    Beliefs are nothing more than abstract interpretations in the mind. They are like facades which cover and hide what is true. So, you are correct in that truth can not be something believed. Rather it must be lived in the actual realness and actuality of this present moment, or not at all. If it is to be lived, then truth can not be something separate from you, it must be what you really are under the facade of what you "believe" yourself to be.

    I spend a ridiculous amount of time asking myself, "Who am I?"

    So, you already are asking the right question: Who am I? Who/what, am I ,really? What is true? And rather than offer up these questions to the mind and it's interpretations and beliefs, we submit these questions to the mysterious depths of Being within us; to the silent Consciousness which holds the questions (and the answer). Since the reason for asking is to realize your true Identity and thus live true to truth, there is nothing "ridiculous" about it. What could be more important?

    Welcome again, and hope to hear more from you.


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