
by msil 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • GodRules


    To slam apostates and their silly complaints.

  • muslima

    #1 and #4

  • spike

    OK,1,3,4,5(I need a belly laugh from time to time)

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I came to these threads because many people I love are affected by whether or not the WTBS is just another 19th century, doomsday offshoot of american christianity.

    I need to listen, study, read and research all of the information I can because there are futures and livelihoods hanging in the balance. More and more I am becoming convinced that MAN is not capable of producing the truth, speaking the truth, adhering to the truth, in its entirety. I am no longer convinced that the accepted bible canon as handed to us historically, and from judeo-christian sources and scholars, is in fact the complete inspired word from the Creator.

    Is my faith shaken, in MEN and organizations, YES! In the Creator, NO. Perhaps the agnostics were correct from the very beginning. In an imperfect state, we can only specualte we know God and/or his will for us. In our side of the planet, we believe the Bible is holy, and the other side venerates the Koran and Buddah.

    There is just too much room for doubt, too many interpretations, and too many groups and too much debate and confusion for anyone to claim to be the "voice", including parts of the Bible.

    If you still believe there is a Creator, that he deserves worship, and that you want to know who he is so you can love him, I think you will have to do some serious, long and hard thinking and meditating and praying to begin getting any type of an answer.

    If you think other men or groups have the answer, then their own holy books condemn them. Search elsewhere, perhaps your inner most soul.

    I am becoming convinced that MAN seeks to control, inside organizations and outside.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    1, 3, 4

    "Too much of a good thing, is wonderful."

    Mae West

  • Ray Skyhorse
    Ray Skyhorse

    My motives are for
    5 - emotional support (good one Mulan)
    6 - To prevent my son from ever joining (his mother is Borg)

  • Vienna

    Hey, bboyneko, I think GodRules IS Prince in disguise!!!

    Can I get your autograph?? ;)

  • TweetieBird

    #1 & #4 for me. #2 & #3 are a waste of time, IMHO.

  • blondie

    Utopian, is that a #1?

  • Grunt

    1-4 Slamming the Borg everytime you get a chance is theraputic too! Besides, they so richly DESERVE slamming. Causing young boys to be raped, fracturing families that would be close and loving except for the Tower, talking parents into allowing their children to die when help is available, TACKING with every wind that blows to their favor regardless of its effect on people. Advertize, Advertize, Advertize that these people are guilty of serious crimes. Maybe it will make people think. I think that big class action suite is out there waiting that will take them down despite their lawyers, clever ploys, and dodges.

    5. I don't attend a church and this board has a group of people whom I share life experiences with, people who can understand my anger and many of whom can feel my loss as they too have hostages in the Tower.

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