30 Years Ago Today, 1975, Terror Soon To Come..

by Englishman 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    For everyone who went to see "Jaws"!

    Yup! It's 30 years ago today since the film was released upon an unsuspecting public. Her Ladyship and I queued for over an hour to see it. We could hear the screams coming from inside the cinema and wondered whatever was in store for us. We soon found out.

    It was scary. Now, 30 years later it still gets hauled out on the classic movie channel. And guess what? I still jump out of my seat every time that severed head rolls out of the sunken boat! Even though I know it's coming, it still makes me jump. Brrrr!

    If memory serves me correctly, the movie hit the UK just around late September 1975. It was scarier than armageddon which was supposed to be along a few days later.

    Somehow, it's another event that makes 1975 even more real.



  • rebel8

    Hmmm....I swear I remember my jw mother taking me to see it on Halloween to distract me from missing out on trick-or-treating. Must have been in the theatres for several months!

    I've never gotten over seeing Jaws. I don't like anything with big teeth to this day. Won't even watch a dracula movie. When I'm in an airplane I'm more afraid of being attacked by sharks if the plane goes down on water than I am of the plane crash itself.

    "It's never safe to go back to the water!"

  • LongHairGal


    Wow, is it that many years ago?

    I went to see it on a first date with somebody. We also had to wait on a long line that went around the block.

    But I enjoyed it.


  • jukief

    Oh, I remember that, all right. The night before Jaws came out, I had my first baby--after a long and difficult labor during which my JW husband went home and took a nap (he got to the hospital just in time to see the birth, then went home again). The next night I expected him to spend some time with me. But he decided to spend the evening instead driving 60 miles to another city to watch Jaws. Took me 10 more years to do it, but I finally got rid of that bastard. :D My "baby" turned 30 a couple of days ago. Boy, do I feel old!

  • Sith

    I saw Jaws during it's first weekend of release, in a huge theater in Riverside, Ca. Remember the scene when the two guys walk out on the pier with a roast on a big hook? The shark takes the bait and pulls one of the guys in, along with half the pier, then circles around to eat the fisherman who is frantically swimming back, while his buddy urges him on. He gets back to the broken pier and he's clawing his way up the incline, desperately trying to get his feet out of the water and avoid being eaten.

    While this scene was on-screen, I looked up and down at the people in my row of seats. Every one of them were pulling their feet off the floor, like they were peddling a bicycle. One of the funniest things I've ever seen

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