Arts Degree Bummer

by JW83 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jankyn

    Try a Ph.D. in Chaucer studies. There are about 300 positions for that in the whole world, and they're all taken!

    But I can say, "Do you want fries with that?" in Middle English.

    Jankyn, happily underemployed.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey JW83,

    you could write a book, and see if it would be published.

    you said your thesis was on JW history in australia? any thoughts on a possible book?

    but ya, like ozzie said, specialization has killed fields like history unless your're a phd.

  • Elsewhere

    If you want your education to pay off you need to get a degree in a field such as Computer Science, Engineering, Electronics, Physics, Legal, Medical, Business, Accounting or something else like that.

    Degrees that have words such as "art", "history" or "language" anywhere in it will get you a very nice framed piece of paper.

    I must admit, I do know ONE woman who has a Liberal Arts degree and became a VP and officer at a bank, however she was married to the son of the man who owned the bank.

  • unbeliever

    I have a friend who is going through the same thing. He has an arts degree, emphasis in English I think and he is having a very hard time finding a good job.

    Just curious.....what is your ultimate goal career wise?

  • JW83

    Historian! Hopefully the honours thesis I just wrote will be turned into an article & submitted for publication in a journal (this year or next year). Then next year PhD, which would be turned into a book, then a job as a lecturer/researcher at a university of my choice, then fame & notoriety - historian of the year! Plus massive book sales! I don't want much ...

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