COC: When Free?

by MadApostate 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • hippikon

    There are enough quotes from CoC on the net already to get a good idea of the contents. I have a spare copy for anyone in my area should they wish to read it.

  • larc


    I think Mommie Dark got hold of a clerk who had poor interpersonal skills. Ray does not talk to people that way.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    My understanding is that Ray does not do computer/internet at all. The guy who responded to my email was, as I said, very snotty, and said right out that CP doesn't give a crap about anyone online. They have threatened to sue anyone who continues to offer entire chapters of the book online. The expressed sentiment was that they sell quite enough books without any help from 'free samples' on web sites. They also said that Ray and other authors don't wish to be associated with any former JW websites as most are not the sort of Christian they endorse and some are outright atheist. (They are after all basically a fundy outfit.)

    I don't have any beef with Ray selling his books. As has been said, the man needs to support himself and his wife. Instead of trying to figure a way to put the book online, I suggest you buy a copy for yourself and one for your local library. The book does tend to be stolen though. I had to order it through interlibrary loan because the local library's copy was stolen. Jdubs are SOOO embarrassed at having their dirty linen aired...and it is after all theocratic war strategy to steal the enemy's ammo.

    You can order books from your library online, and pick them up at the front desk. (If I asked them to, my library would deliver books right to my door since I am disabled.) Nobody has to know but your librarian, and they probably won't rat you out the smelders.

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