I'm new to the forum and desperate for support

by muse 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    it was right up front in my active view so i thought it was recent......doh

  • Robdar

    weird, eh?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Muse,

    I have never been in your situation so I can't say that I understand the anxiety that must plague you. You do have my sympathy.

    You mentioned that your Dad is "old school" and would refuse all blood. I ask that you bear with me for a few minutes here:

    Does he understand that this is a STUBBORN and NON-PROGRESSIVE attitude? Why is he not keeping up with Jehovah's Go-Cart -like organization? Does he believe this will make him extra righteous?

    He would be well advised to get himself up-to-date on Jehovah's present truth - there is a REASON that Jehovah has led His organization to modify the old hard-line stance. Could it be that Jehovah values the LIVES of His servants? Maybe?

    Thanks for bearing with me through that. Personally, I am an atheist and I believe the WTB&TS is full of hooey, but I also figure that you have to try to reach people WHERE THEY ARE. Your Dad is a JW and he says he'll do what the JW tell him to do, but on THIS he'll "go beyond what is written." He needs to be shown that this is not the JW thing to do. I don' know if there are any intelligent and truly empathetic JWs where you are, but if you can find one, maybe he can talk some sense into your Dad.

    If your Dad thinks that he can commit medical suicide and wake up in the new order, he may find he's garnered Jehovah's wrath.

    I hope for the best for you.

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