Wow! Pioneering's in Trouble!

by metatron 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • roro

    The comment on western countries contributing the most money is probably the key. Without money this religion disappears. The western countries are funding the growth/exploitation of the 3rd world and eastern countries. The US and other western countries have welfare and social programs that take care of the poorer members of society. Eastern countries and 3rd world countries have no such programs however they do have well funded religious organization willing to pay for new members.... Thoughts?

  • Amazing

    When I was an Elder we would get together when Field Service and Pioneers were down and develop a plan to rally the troops. We would all agree to Aux. Pio and then mention this in a big drive at the Service Meeting to get support from the Publishers. Then from the Aux. Pios would eventually emerge Reg. Pioneers. This worked well when the Society was still able to pound on Peace and Security and other such world events. But, I think the masses of JWs are getting tired or being on 'hold' for something that is not going to happen, at least not according to the Watch Tower time table and beliefs. - Amazing

  • VeniceIT

    yikes!!! well I'm glad to say that I made it one less this past year!!!


  • sawthelight


    the money also goes to real estate aquisition and buiding projects large and small.


    is that your real pic?

  • nytelecom1
    When I was an Elder we would get together when Field Service and Pioneers were down and develop a plan to rally the troops. We would all agree to Aux. Pio and then mention this in a big drive at the Service Meeting to get support from the Publishers. Then from the Aux. Pios would eventually emerge Reg. Pioneers. This worked well when the Society was still able to pound on Peace and Security and other such world events.

    2 years ago during memorial season ..we had 27 aux pioneers...Last year during the special April auxl. push we had 20 or so......this year we had a total of 6

    hmmmmmmmm ........detect a pattern??

  • Disengaged

    Pioneering is a waste of time. It just doesn't pay the bills. Especially when you consider some who do. Who the hell would want to fashion themselves after some of the totally dysfunctional misfits.

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