Why I know Satan doesn't exists

by DannyBloem 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien
    The holy spirit never leaves you.

    If you ask satan for something he isn't nessesary going to give it to you remember he wants nothing more than to see you suffer so he is not going to give you 'pleasure'


    how convenient.

  • DanTheMan

    So, Evanescence, If you give into sinful inclinations and indulge the flesh, you are unwittingly being mislead by Satan.

    If you find yourself lacking opportunites to engage in such indulgences, then it's because Satan wants to see you suffer.


  • free2beme

    Maybe Satan used you to laugh in the face of Jehovah by saying, "look, your people think he is so wonderful and yet I have him waking off ten times a day and put a desire in his heart of pure lust ... I have him, not you!!!!!"

    Sorry, but I would have answered that way as a Witness and know their thinking.

  • DannyBloem

    Again about this naughty devil.

    How many people did God kill directly the bible states. And how many people did the devil kill directly?

    And then imagine the bible is even Gods book, not the devils. Does this not say something????


  • Qcmbr

    I think Satan exists but not because of bad things in the world. I believe God exists but not because of good things either.

    I think we are the same stuff. If I do harm I act like a satan if I do no harm I act like a god but critically I can't be everywhere - I don't think God or Satan can be either - I don't see any scriptural evidence for that. Unfortunately I can't answer till later since I'm off to bed..

    night night

  • DannyBloem
    I think Satan exists but not because of bad things in the world. I believe God exists but not because of good things either.


    think we are the same stuff. If I do harm I act like a satan if I do no harm I act like a god but critically I can't be everywhere

    I do not understand what you mean here. Can you explain?

  • Qcmbr

    Just that Satan and God are beings with physical limits - they can't be everywhere at the same time and actually would do very little of the work attributed to them - I see them both as 'corporation bosses' - an appeal to either would not generally by handled by them in person but by a rep.

  • LouBelle

    oooh man this thread brought back memories - there was this one hot hot young brother that I wanted so very badly that I actually did try make a deal with the devil (out loud) and alas nothing happened so perhaps DannyB has a point....

    These last couple of days DannyB has got me thinking - about god and if he does or doesn't exist (my sleepless weekend is because of you - no hard feelings)

    So perhaps we are god & the devil, we can be in heaven or hell - in that both good and equal are in us and we choose which way we follow. Obviously if we do nice things, we are pleasant, we help people and live a good life, we are godlike and in heaven. On the other hand, doing nasty things, being a horrible miserable person is more like devil and we don't derive much happiness out of life.

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