Can I get Reproved or Disfellowshipped for not...

by Smoky 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Smoky

    Preaching (door to door), Commenting, or giving Talks?

    I am currently fading away, but I occasionaly go to the meetings, just to show my face from time to time, basically to maintain my relationships with friends and family. I guess leaving everything, is a jump I am not ready for, just yet. You can say i am just a '#' or a 'seat warmer' to the Congregation.

    I swore to myself I would never do any of the previously mentioned things in the Congregation. So far no one has said anything....

    Should i expect the worst?

  • Sparkplug

    No I don't think so, but I would expect to be shunned. a hush hush source of gossip for a bit..

  • Elsewhere

    I seem to recall a court case in which a JW sued his KH and the WTS after he broke his leg in field service. The WTS defended itself and the KH with the statement that JWs are NOT required to go out in field service and that the ministry work is purely voluntary.

    I don't have time to look for it at this time; I'll try to find it later tonight. Would anyone else happen to know where to find information on this case? To help with searching, the case also involved the JW trespassing on private property where he was knocked over by a goat - the homeowner was also sued and had to pay damages to the JW.

  • blondie

    You may get others saying that you could be DF'd but I don't think it has reached that stage yet that they would officially consider someone has DA'd themselves by not attending meetings and turning in a time slip. If people were DA'ing themselves that weren't in the school, my last congregation would have lost 20 people.

    But if the elders drop by and ask you if you consider yourself one of JWs and you say no, it is likely you have just DA'd yourself

    or ask

    if you think that JWs have the only true religion

    or something similar to that.

    The elders are very lax in making shepherding calls on the DF'd and DA'd and the MIAs now. Short of threatening to remove them as elders, I can't think of anything that would motivate them to hunt down the inactive.

    Just stay out of their sights.


    The elders are very lax in making shepherding calls on the DF'd and DA'd and the MIAs now. Short of threatening to remove them as elders, I can't think of anything that would motivate them to hunt down the inactive.

    Blondie you have so much accurate insight into how bodies of elders work I would swear that you were one yourself! I 100% agree with your above statement, so all the faders are safe... for now anyway. Who knows what cult central will think of next.

  • diamondblue1974

    I havent been disfellowshipped or disassociated myself but still find myself being shunned for in effect fading away; so while the answer to your question is no you can expect to be treated as a disassociated person by virtue of your inactivity if you cease those things and stop going to the meetings.

    If you are seeking to avoid being shunned then keep showing your face occasionally.

  • katiekitten

    I successfully faded without being shunned, but it helped that I managed to look like I had victim status (post natal depression and unfaithful husband). The real truth was post natal joy, and a husband who I had made so miserable he was kind of pushed into an affair. I didnt manufacture this for the purpose of fading, but it sure did help.

    Can you manage a bit of serious depression? Victim status helps as long as its an 'approved' sort of problem. Cos they always think you might come back once you are over it.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Whats an MIA ??? I know once you tell me, I'll tell myself that i should've known but for the moment it escapes me.

  • blondie




  • orangefatcat

    No you won't be disfellowshipped for not preaching or going to meetings, that would be totally ridiculous then they would have to disfellowship every witness who is sick in beds and confined to hospitals or old age home or are handicapped and tha t woud be prejudice. It would open a huge hole in the organization for lawsuits.. So you tell the brothers that you are ill and you haven't got the physical strength to preach and meeting attendance well they can't do anything to you. So don't worry.

    But some hifalutin witnesses may shun you are gossip about you, but don't worry about a thing. They just like throwing their weight around.


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