Dearest Pomegranate... may I ask you...

by AGuest 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest

    Golly, 'Pom... you are TRULY... one 'stupid' man...
    I did not teach my Lord to be 'liar' in the sense that YOU and others know the word... a 'deceiver'. And that was entirely my point. My Lord told his disciples he was NOT going up, but in fact DID go up... secretly... for their protection, as well as for the entire WORLD's. In MOST circles, that would be considered a lie. However, my POINT was that it was NOT... because the word referred to in the LAW COVENANT... meant deception and malice. He meant neither, but quite the opposite... love and salvation. YOU cannot 'see' that because the 'light' in YOU... is very dark. Absolutely NO 'illumination'.

    Why? Because your heart is 'veiled'... by your insistence on adherence to the Law Covenant, rather than preaching it IMPALED and heralding instead... a NEW Covenant... one of love, mercy and forgiveness. It is by MEANS of that New Covenant... that I have 'freedom of speech', even to say what I 'hear'... and whom I hear it from.

    2 Corinthians 3:12-18

    Yes, I hear spirits... and so did my brothers. If not, how then did John say to TEST the 'inspired expressions to see if they originate with God'? If, however, YOU knew what you were talking about, you would know that this 'discernment of inspired utterances'... is a 'GIFT' of the holy spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:10).

    In addition, IF you knew what you were talking about, you would know that I did not blaspheme against that spirit... which is NOT the same as blasphemy against the Christ... which I didn't do either... but spoke TRUTH. Had I hid my gift, or denied my 'light'... then I would be acting in SHAME against that spirit... and against my Lord... who would in turn be ashamed of ME... before my Father. Rather, I was TOLD to 'let my light shine'; indeed, I am to say IN THE LIGHT, what I hear from my Lord IN THE DARK, and preach FROM THE HOUSETOPS what I hear 'whispered'.

    And it is with 'whispers'... or 'low tones'... that my Lord speaks to me. Satan, however, 'KEEPS transforming himself into an angel of light' and ATTEMPTING to 'whisper', too. But his... is the 'voice of a stranger' and thus does not 'ring true'. So, indeed, I 'test' WHATEVER expression I am uncertain as to have originated with my Lord.

    Matthew 10:27-28
    Proverbs 8:4-11

    You would ALSO know that there is no 'law' against hearing spirits... but against acting as a 'medium' for such spirits... or a psychic... which I do not do, and have no DESIRE to do. I am not a 'mediator', so I cannot and will not use my 'gift' to contact the spirits of ones in Sheol, Hades, etc., on behalf of those still living in the flesh, nor will I ever use it to divine... attempt to 'see' the future. Those things are 'detestable' to my Father, as He has told me through my Lord. I have been given VERY specific directions as to how I am to use my gift... under what circumstances... and for whom. And to the BEST of my ability... I attempt to do 'just so'.

    You would ALSO know that indeed I do NOT have 'the mind of God'... and neither do YOU... but I DO have 'the mind of Christ'. But you are a PHYSICAL man... and not a SPIRITUAL one... these things are 'foolishness' to you. Indeed, NO ONE can say, "Christ is Lord"... EXCEPT by holy spirit! However, it is YOU who have repeatedly stated MY Lord, the Son of God, to be 'accursed'.

    1 Corinthians 2:11-16
    1 Corinthians 12:3

    But I have worries or concerns regarding you, 'Pom, for my Father, through my Lord... WILL rebuke you. It is indeed coming. Therefore, you are but a fleeting thought in my small life.

    Ianao... there is no 'holy war' here... and I have no desire to 'be at' Pomegranate's 'throat'. Not at all. I am only making a defense for my hope... and the TRUTH... of which 'Pom quite obviously knows nothing about. He is a 'contender'... and self-righteous individual... and I only respond for the sake of 'onlookers', such as yourself. I do not need 'Pom's approval... or yours... nor do I seek it. My peace to you remains, however, if indeed you 'receive' it.

    A slave of Christ,


  • pomegranate

    You are a fake and false teacher, masquerading as The True God's servant. You teach lies from your lord Satan. You are his servant. He is the father of the lie and you follow in his tradition.

    2 Cor 11:13-15
    13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

  • pomegranate

    In closing, back to the beginning:

    Dearest Pomegranate... may I ask you...
    and you answer me, please, at what point did my Lord ever 'sin'?

    Errr....Your Lord???? Somwhere around here:

    Gen 3:4
    4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.

    The Lord Jesus NEVER told a lie. He was sinless

    Good bye. You can have the last word, it's your goofy thread afterall.

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