New Apostate: Tempest in a Teacup

by Tempest in a Teacup 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • FayeDunaway

    Yes I'm very curious about what part of the world you are in. South America? Southern Europe? Africa? You are very eloquent, do not feel self conscious about your English! 

    I, like you, am not turning atheist, ever, but like DofC could not fake it. That period of fading out was the most hellish period I ever went through. I am very outspoken, and to bridle my tongue and just suffer through the BS was miserable. But also, I found what path I wanted to go on during that time. 

    It's surprising you never want to get out of it, and I'm hoping later in life you can live free eventually. It's much better on the outside, but you don't realize it yet. 

  • AlwaysBusy

    Wow.... You English is amazing!  I  have studied languages, off and on, all of my life and still can't speak or write any.  It's strange, how we each deal with being a JW, or how we deal with leaving the JWs. I too, love Jehovah, and the Bible, and consider myself a JW even if others do not.  The people, however, and I mean ALL of the people, I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw any one of them.

    It's funny, how Apostates are labeled as evil, demonic, mentally-diseased, and JWs are warned to stay away from them or else!  But what I see are a group of people, hurt to the core, confused and trying to find healing, hope and life. 

    I hope you are happy!  I was a lurker also, and I don't post much, but it has helped to see that there are others who have their struggles, and that I am not the only one. 

    Take care of your precious self!




  • Hairtrigger
    Wecome !! 
  • roberto avon
    roberto avon
    FayeDunaway, I would immediately exclude Southern Europe, even if " we " have the pope we are fare ahead on for example North America concerning gay rights, euthanasia, abortion and death penalty.
    Most probably it is South America, if we check the yearbook 2015 we see that the biggest part of the increase of new Jws is in Latin Amrica and Usa ( mainly latino immigrants I guess ).
    It is up to the USA, like the cigarettes ( Philipp Morris ??) you started as first smoking, producing and selling them but also the first to realize it was bad and stopped smoking.
    Let us hope that somebody will stop this born in the Usa stuff, maybe  with the help of Irwin Zalkin and the american judges....
  • sillygirlforgotpassword

    Acute lurkitis :D

    please don't apologise for your English. All that ran through my head while I read your post was : this person ought to be a writer. 

    Welcome, I love reading intro posts and urs just made my day. (Or night, if u will ;)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I have 2 masters degrees (the anti-education pressure used to be a bit lower over here, well, until about 5 years I was almost through by then).

    Given the current anti-education climate in WT, if any JWs ask you why you have 2 masters degrees, just reply, "I was planning to get a third, but I stopped at 2 in order to prove how extremely humble I am!"

    And, WELCOME!

  • Blackfalcon98

    Welcome to the forum! I really like your detailed introduction, but I must warn you to be very careful about personal details here. Im happy you have found inner peace, and have gotten away from the guilt......welcome to mental freedom! 


  • Perry

    I'm guessing Poland. My wife says Polish are super religious Catholic. Doesn't matter, glad you are here. 

    God has been very good to me after leaving the Tower and doing business directly with Jesus. May you experience the same.

  • JWCart

    "I used to be a strong believer of the religion until about 9 years ago when I started living alone, travelling and experiencing blattant dishonnesty and injustice in the congregations.

    Even when I was a strong believer, I made it a science to always keep my "zeal" in check. I noticed quite early in my childhood that the overly burning zeal is more often than not the stage preceding burnouts. 

    Jws create tempests in people's lives! But when you take a little bit of distance, you'll notice that it's just a tempest in a teacup. Much ado about nothing. All the rules and blaming for others and none for self (unless you're aware of being watched)."

    Yes, many of us found this website because of the injustices you mentioned above, we finally figured out the sewage were bathing in was once flushed in our little river upstream at Headquarters.  We have a saying in the United States, "Shit floats down stream, not up!".  We are bathing, drinking and washing ourselves in the spiritual waters the Governing Body say's is clean, the problem is it's making more JWs sick from various spiritual ailments, not helping them.  JWs don't understand every congregation is suffering from the same problems because people are people.

  • flipper

    TEMPEST- Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you here. It sounds like you've really informed yourself about and even experienced the injustices of the WT Society so your mind is pretty well made up that Jehovah's Witnesses don't have the alleged " truth " - I suppose you feel that way correct ?

      I understand the need to keep your JW relative contacts , especially with your wife- some of us can play that game and walk both worlds, some of us cannot. I'm personally one who cannot. Not right or wrong- just a fact where I am in my life.

     Keep your options and mind open to possibilities of various situations coming up in your life. I know that you FEEL you'll always be a JW - but it's precisely part of the JW or cult reasoning to think I'll ALWAYS do this or that. It's called black or white reasoning, either this or that. Never any in-between. That's also part of the WT or JW training and indoctrination that they put into us. I'm just recommending that you keep an open mind towards your options.  I wish you the best in whatever you decide and we are here to offer unconditional friendship and support no matter what you do. Take care and I wish you the best ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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