Everyone Please Read!

by sysadmin 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sysadmin

    To All:
    Please, everyone save a copy of this lengthy post as we anticipate removing it within 48 hours. We feel compelled to address the forum as a whole to make you aware of a new web surveillance law passed recently here in the UK.
    Here is the web link:
    In short, it gives the government the ability (and permission) to track every email coming in or out of the country. Every ISP must comply.
    You may or may not have any objection to this invasion of your privacy.
    For this and other reasons, we have come to the conclusion that the usefulness of this site has run its course. Initially, it was started as a research tool to determine the numbers and philosophy of so-called “reformers”. To accomplish this, the “JWTruth” site was set up to obtain names and addresses of those soliciting “questionable” literature. So far, more than 500 are on the list. This site, the Forum, was seeded with a few sympathetic personalities in an effort to get others to open up in what they perceived to be an “open” environment.
    I’ll introduce you to our little group:
    “Simon” – A mole. (read John LeCarre for clarification). We liked the connotation with “simple”. In fact, the last name of “Green” was a clever play on words, as there is a cleaning product popular in the States called “Simple Green”. We wanted a character with just a hint of an inferiority complex inherent in the British class system when one’s parents can’t afford a public school education. You’ve probably noted his recent posts have paved the way for a graceful exit with the “elders giving him trouble” and all. The real “Simon” is in fact an elder in and his father is a presiding overseer of a congregation outside Calgary.
    “Waiting” – Our proudest creation. One of our programmers from the States had a CD by Jeff Foxworthy, and one of his lines was “you might be a redneck if you go to family reunions looking for a date.”
    Based on that line, we decided to create this outrageous Southern caricature, a stranger to shoes and deodorant, and have the most terrible things happen to her. Look back on the posts and you’ll see she was raped by demons, beaten by a succession of husbands, victim of incest, Prozac-addicted, and observed her father practicing bestiality. Through it all, the board was staunchly supportive, never once realizing or questioning the charade.
    “Zep” – Our resident atheist from Australia. The group embraced him and his bawdy apostate-bashing humour without question, as they did the cardboard cliché born-agains we threw in, like “Solid Sender” (who blew his cover with the “Big Question” posts) and “Andyman”.
    And then there were the real fish who happily took the bait:
    “Frenchy” – The ex-elder burn-out. Whatever he wasn’t assigned, he volunteered for. Devoid of any meaningful personal relationships, his only solace is writing maudlin, sappy poetry. When one poster sarcastically likened him to Lord Byron, he actually took it as a compliment.
    “SevenofNine” – Typical vacuous female so often produced in the American educational system. Always got by on her looks, and now the only relationships she can maintain are the ones she lies on her back for. Thought she was being rebellious with the tattoo.
    “Dubby” – Testosterone overload case. Left the Truth because fornication was not condoned.
    “Friend” – Still living in the past. Wishes he could have know Rutherford, but at least he got to meet Knorr. Still respected, but just not keeping up.
    The project will end soon because there were so few surprises.
    Less than 200 registered, most of them women with too much time on their hands and incapable of peering past the warts on their noses.
    As usual, there was never any discussion of actually sharing one’s faith with others. Even zealous Born-Agains will freely offer their “testimony” with just a Bible in their hands. Posters in these forums are unable to see beyond their own problems. Typical was a post by SevenofNine when she bemoaned that all she had to offer the poor residents of a homeless shelter was a “magazine”. She never considered volunteering her time to attempt to help in some practical way.
    Invariably, those who leave the Truth never seem to develop any sort of self-sacrificing spirit to go along with their new-found “freedom”.
    No-one joins the Peace Corps, no-one shares any sort of spiritual or material comfort with the oppressed. It’s just “me in my own little world” as is true of most people, whether ex-Jw’s or not.
    Their finest talent is their ability to complain.
    Not a surprise at all considering who the “ruler of the world” is.
    Should any of you have any questions, you may email me at:
    [email protected]

  • waiting


    “Waiting” – Our proudest creation.(I can't find fault with that one! One of our programmers from the States had a CD by Jeff Foxworthy, and one of his lines was “you might be a redneck if you go to family reunions looking for a date.” (nope! only in the smaller towns....)

    Based on that line, we decided to create this outrageous (cool!) Southern caricature, a stranger to shoes (Nikes) and deodorant, (Use Safeguard, btw) and have the most terrible things happen to her. Look back on the posts and you’ll see she was raped by demons, (nope!) beaten by a succession of husbands, (never - just lousy 1st husband, very good 2nd husband of 20 years) victim of incest, Prozac-addicted, (nope - quit by myself with doctor's approval) and observed her father practicing bestiality. Through it all, the board was staunchly supportive, never once realizing or questioning the charade.

    ok, ok, ok. Thanks for all the compliments.
    We had a little boy come onto our forum a couple of months ago with about the same message. I speculated from his unproper use of English grammer, he was about 14. Perhaps your age is approximately the same?

    Go home, little kid. Go pee on somebody else's wheel. (ol' southern usa saying, btw)


    Btw, I did save your post as "Asshole on Forum" if you want to refer to this file in the future.

    Edited by - waiting on 31 August 2000 23:4:36

  • RedhorseWoman

    Damn....this time I don't even get a mention....nothing. Last time I got a pretty good writeup. What gives? Am I too self-sacrificing? Did I blow it by mentioning my sense of spirituality? Sheesh!!

    I know what it is.....you have something against quahogs, don't you? Damn bivalve bigot!

    Edited by - RedhorseWoman on 31 August 2000 22:49:7

  • waiting

    Hey Red!

    Finally, something acknowledged my ability to entertain!

    Ha!!!! Maybe you'll get lucky next time something decides to hurl up again our way!


  • Seven

    Hey you tool!![url]
    You can just[url]

  • Friend


    What an amusement you are.

    You said:

    The project will end soon because there were so few surprises.

    Which explains your sudden presence and wanting introduction for the weirdly absurd. Whether your assertions here are true or false, all you have done is admit to dishonesty. From that I can only deduce how much of a moron you must be, which moronic behavior is typical of your brand of Internet usage, which means you and those like you are no surprise, whatsoever.

    Oh, and in case your post is supposed to be some sort of experiment, I suggest something a little more original and believable the next time. I mean, if you want to feign an experiment with people, why resort to the same old common and stupid stunts to be found all over the world wide web?

    One thing that is believable is that you could be the same butthead that used to go by SolidSender and BigQuestion and God knows how many other aliases. If so, thanks again for the entertainment.

    Tell you what, since you claim administration of this site, use my pseudonym and password to type the words, “sysadmin is an idiot!” on a separate and stand-alone post. Can you do that, or will you make excuses, or will you just disappear?


    To all the non-moronic and genuine participants, please excuse my alternative, though I believe accurate, English.

  • waiting

    Hey Friend,

    Personally, I find your new-found gutteral English to be refreshing - I can understand it.

    Nice to see your words again, btw.

    Hey Seven!!!!

    Neat pictures! Thanks.....


  • Seven

    Friend, You are a sweetie.
    RhW, bivalve bigot!LOL

  • RedhorseWoman

    Friend....I like it....you utilize alternative English amazingly well when it's needed.

  • Roamingfeline

    My goodness.. I didn't even get an honorable mention!!!! I'm crushed. :-(

    Sysadmin, whoever you are..take a valium and GET OVER IT.

    Hugs to the rest of the forum,


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