shunned from the congeration

by raisedinthetruth 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • raisedinthetruth

    I was just wondering if anyone could give me the proper procdure on throwing someone out of the hall? I recently found out that a good friend of mine was basicly kicked out of the hall. She was raised in the truth but then decided not to go to the meetings anymore. it has been ten yrs since she has been to the hall and of the sudden the elders made and announcement that she was no longer a jw she wasn't dissed nor did she disassociate herself. as a matter of fact she hasn't heard from or spoke to a witness in years. Any of her family members that go to the hall have been turned there back as well as anyone she considered to be friends. It seems that as soon as she stopped going to the hall she was all of a sudden a bad person. I was interesed in the religion at one time but am now somewhat turned off. becasuse how can the same people that claim to love everyone and knock on doors claiming they want to help be so heartless when it come to people that no longer attend meetings.


    Confused and disapponited.

  • RescueMe2

    People that behave in that manner have no idea what real love, kindness, warmth and understanding towards another human being is, and therefore have no clue as to what God is about.

  • GetBusyLiving

    The witnesses are a cult. Steer clear of them. The situation with your friend is the result of a clamp down in the organization to punish all dissenters.. they have too many dirty secrets to hide and they have to make sure people who might know the truth (your friend) don't spill it to the remaining dubs. BTW, welcome to JWD.


  • littlerockguy

    I haven't been to the hall in 7 to 8 years. Wonders if the JWs in my hometown will start doing that when they see me whenever I go to my hometown to visit family whenever Im in town or in a grocery store, etc. They may start asking some of my relatives how to get in touch with me to ask me if I still want to be a JW. Im glad I moved from where I use to live.

  • Es

    welcome to the board. There used to not be allowed to D\F or D\A anyone after 3 years on not attending a meeting. Apparently now they are asking those who havent been to a meeting for a long time if they want to be a JW or not and if they dont they announce it. Its just sooooo wrong. es

  • Alwayshere

    raisedinthetruth, that is exactly how they treat you if you quit going to meetings. You are only their frinds if you keep going in service and meetings. I am not disfellowshipped and it has been about 3 years since i have been to the KH. None of my so called friends have called to see why i quit. My Kids will speak to me but have said they can no longer have a realationship with me. It's hard to believe they think more of that organazation than me.But I have to live with it knowing i raised them in that cult. Have tried to talk and show them things but they say they don't want to discuss anything with me.Just hoping someday they see the light.

  • greendawn

    This is not a religion to be interested in it is in fact a cult as can be clearly seen from the way they treated your friend, they break up families and cause people a lot heartache and have no compassion.

  • Honesty
    I was just wondering if anyone could give me the proper procdure on throwing someone out of the hall?

    Anything the demonised Governing Body can do to keep eyes closed, ears deaf and minds under control is proper procedure for the bastards.

  • blondie

    raisedinthetruth, I have a few questions to ask about this situation.

    One, are the 2 of you romantically involved?

    Two, are you living together under the same roof?

    If so, the WTS has a policy that concludes that you have had sex outside of marriage and that this is a disfellowshipping offense.

    Are you sure that the elders did not make some attempt to contact her, telephoning her and leaving a message to contact them, sending a letter or letters to her home. If she did not contact them or respond to these, then their policy allows them to disfellowship her. They could have made a half-hearted attempt that she wasn't aware of, perhaps sending it to her old address and it was returned.

    Despite what is now being discussed on this board, the WTS is not disfellowshipping people only for not attending meetings or going out in field service. I'm sure they have to come up with some other sin to attach to this to fill out on the official form they send to WTS headquarters.

    But the it wouldn't be the first time an elder body lied to the circuit overseer or the WT headquarters.


  • jgnat

    I think the proper procedure is that the elders are to ask her first if she wishes to be associated with the Jehovah's Witnesses. But what are you going to do? You might write headquarters a nice letter, which they might respond to. But I guarantee they won't reverse the decision. Anyone who is not a Jehovah's Witness is not treated seriously.

    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York
    25 Columbia Heights
    Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201

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