Alright, convince me of the benefits of marriage

by JW83 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • JW83

    Someone?! Anyone?!

  • EvilForce

    You can now freely call your mate "the ole ball and chain" ain't just for breakfast anymore.....oh's just ain't never done anymore. LOL

    Your paycheck becomes his paycheck, yet his paycheck stays his.

    Anniversary gifts.

  • love11

    You get to deduct more on your taxes!

  • melmac

    ROTFL at EvilForce..

  • jeanniebeanz

    You have a warm butt to stick your cold feet on when you're on your period.


  • prophecor

    That all depends, JW83. Are you married? Then there are no benefits. Well, let me clarify that. In the beginning, all is hunky dory.

    Who is this person, anyway?

    You get all the sex you want, mind you that's before marriage. But as soon as reality hits you square in the face and all the giddies are gone, you find yourself having less and less or at best, your having sex less frequently with your partner than you are with yourself. OOOOppsss! Oh Snap!!! ( euphemism for OH $#!+!!! )

    At the end of the day, ( not a literal day, mind you ) you find that the marriage is more of a business arrangement, a corporation of such, where you both agree to settle your accounts with each other civily and respectfully, like paying your share holder divdends in their stock. You agree to the wearing of individual hats, cook, janitor, policeman, ( I love playing the cop, and I'm not the good cop, either ) and we all agree to comfortably co-exist in a world of rhyme and reason, just add your own verses while reasoning away to yourself, " How the Hell did I get here? " But you'll come to see that all you ever thought about love and all it means, is a lot less than what we are told in all movies, music and fairy tales.

    Seriously though, JW83, everyday I'm begining to see the reality of the biblical admonition, how in marriage we would experience trouble in our flesh, but I'd rather spend a life with someone to try and work out all the kinks in the delicate process of being human. Marriage is one of the many building blocks towards creating the unique drive and cycle of this life, bringing forth children and watching our very lives transform before our eyes. Though I have no biological children, they say that it changes you from the inside out, you're never the same from that point on, and your life life begins to take on a completely different meaning. Marriage, entered into properly is not for the weak, and not for the immature. There is pain in walking with someone day in day out, but there is an incredible sense of wealth and being that can be acquired when couples agree to commit to each other. To be there through the glory and the grime. Till Death Do Us Part,

  • JW83

    Thanks Prophecor I agree that it becomes more like a business arrangement ... Yes, I'm married - almost 3 years, with a 2yo. Till Death Do Us Part is a bit depressing sometimes ...

    A friend said to me that her marriage is more peaceful now that they both realise they don't have to be together, but they choose to be. She doesn't have kids, though.

    Just having a bad day ...

  • yesidid

    It’s like this;

    We have been married almost 50, yes that’s fifty years.

    In the beginning it was OK in fact I would say it was good.

    I loved him then, and he loved me.

    But over the years things seemed to change.

    I wouldn’t say that I love him now.

    I would say that:

    I am totally besotted, absolutely and completely crazy about him, head over heels in love, almost to the point of obsession.

    That’s the main benefit as I see it.


  • yesidid

    Oh I forgot: He tells me he feels the same way, and if he's lying he's the worlds greatest living actor.

  • JW83

    That's fantastic! Lucky you!!

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