United States Courts -Judicial Branch Info

by Utopian Reformist 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    As an employee of the Judicial Branch of the federal government, I have access to a variety of information systems. Serving as a technology manager, I am familiar with the systems and databases that house public and private legal information.

    After 15 years of witness life, I am forced by concern for life and family to rediscover the truth, the real truth. I am posting this information in order to force people to think; think for themselves, inside their own minds and really get to know their own heart. I begin:

    There is a very high number of cases involving the Watchtower before the federal court system. Some of the cases are closed, disposed, many others are still open. Some are before the U.S. District Court, others are before U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The point is, the case categories range from property and building disputes, shunning, child custody and of course, pedophilia. The number is alarming and the details in the Judge's opinions and case summaries are impacting, to say the least.

    The information is easily available to the public. Simply visit your nearest federal building/courthouse (US District Court), and go to the "clerk's office". After having your bags checked and passing thru the metal detectors, the US Marshall's will direct to the correct office. Once you arrive, ask to use the Public PACER computer. PACER (public access court electronic records) is free and you will only be charged a fee for each page you print. Use the National Case Party Index database and perform a search by querying "WATCHTOWER" and watch what happens....The results are amazing and you won't know where to begin.

    In either case, it is important that people know, since coverups are hypocritical, dishonest and unloving to victims, no matter which religion or government participates. It truly proves that man continues to dominate man to his own and everyone else's injury. Someday, people desiring true worship will realize that God is in fact not far off at all from every one of us. He is not, and never was part of any human organization in the first place.

    Adam interacted with his Creator one-on-one, in perfection, so the Bible says. The WTBS teaches that when the 1000 years are over, after a final test of perfected humanity, all things will be handed over to Jehovah again, as it was in the original paradise. A full and complete restoration of God's original purpose. If that is true, and we believe it, and we hope for it, then we have understood the principal message from the Word of God, correct?

    Once we have understood this, why do we persist at placing humans, man-made obstacles, organizations, and other barriers between ourselves and our Father? Why? If we know the goal to pursue, why do we continue to involve mediators and intercedents? Are we not exhorted to exercise reason and thinking ability? Are we not released from slavery to freedom? Why do we persist in the slavery of men? Why do please humans for approval and substitute its acceptance and tolerance as worship of the Creator? Is this the gratitude we display for the power to think? We sacrifice to humans upon administrative altars and gather statistics for ourselves and blindly continue this repetetive cycle until death takes us from life.

    Do you understand the tragedy and futility of following men? You MUST learn to think for yourselves! Perfect love (for God) throws fear outside. Are you leaves to be blown about and tossed about the waves, or are you alive? Next time you are in front of a mirror, stare long and close enough to scare yourself, stare in silence, and think. Just think.

  • bboyneko
    The information is easily available to the public. Simply visit your nearest federal building/courthouse (US District Court), and go to the "clerk's office". After having your bags checked and passing thru the metal detectors, the US Marshall's will direct to the correct office. Once you arrive, ask to use the Public PACER computer. PACER (public access court electronic records) is free and you will only be charged a fee for each page you print. Use the National Case Party Index database and perform a search by querying "WATCHTOWER" and watch what happens....The results are amazing and you won't know where to begin.

    wow, I may go and do that. I have been to a lot of court houses cus my mom is a translator for the court system.


  • Maximus

    The number is going to get larger, and have far more significant impact.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Once everyone has had an opportunity to verify the information I posted, what will happen next? Perhaps the most difficult and fearful crossroad we come upon is the one that shatters an institution! Something or someone we hold dear and loyally love and are willing to die for without reservation.

    It is a scary place inside the unfinished and incomplete soul, once you arrive you are tempted to scurry back to safety. This is the special place where courage and maturity are found and harnessed.

    I am struggling with this down to this very hour.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I think many will actually invest the effort to locate this information. However, once it is seen, the struggle begins.

  • MadApostate

    I'm curious, regarding all the security, where does it stop?

    Is persoal info required/retained/logged, such that someone like you or others can access the names/ssn/addresses of people who have viewed "Watchtower" cases?

    If you have the access you allege, why not simply copy and post these materials?

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Unless you are familiar with IP networking, all data traffic is monitored and I for one am taking a major risk. I am not willing to lose my job, however I am willing to point people in the direction of the information.

    As a court appointed manager, I cannot look up the information for you, even though it is public, just like court clerks and attorneys are not allowed to give you legal advice, only point you to the information. Sorry! I gave enough where the interested person can find the stuff easily, if truly interested.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Another way to access the court info is to visit the following site:


    However, without an active PACER account, you cannot view. You can set up an account over the phone or on-line. Then you do not have to visit the courthouse. I can't make this any easier without losing my position.

  • philo

    Thanks for your excellent post.

    Yes, witnesses do believe that after the 1000 year reign, that the organisation will cease. However this is never their focus, they are looking to Armageddon only, and to their survival of it. Broadly speaking, they look neither forward enough to anticipate scriptural promises, or backward enough to discover the shaky foundations and leadership of their organisation. Instead they look to one point in time, Armageddon. There is little time in the JW life for reflection and no encouragement for it either.

    Many JWs must have a vague sense that much of their faith is wrong, but instead of thinking for themselves, they hope that they will be saved collectively as Jehovah's people. The society is ambivalent on the subject of collective salvation, in addressing particular issues they may use collective arguments like "the organisation is the modern-day ark". Other times, the same issue may be addressed with "do we have a strong enough relationship with Jehovah?" or "Can we visualise our personal place in the new system". The same applies to judgement, with the issues of 'collective responsibility' and 'judgement days' versus judgement of individual's souls. The society does not have answers; the latest slant depends on the material, or the writer of the material.

    Getting back to Armageddon, your post is especially relevant now because JWs have virtually nothing to focus on; they sense that that 'point' in time is coming no closer, like a carrot on a stick. Discouraged to learn from history or to ask serious questions about the bible and their theology, they have become drones like never before. Perhaps 'proles' is a better description: having menial work, and no other role but to increase in numbers. I feel desperately sorry for them.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx for the Kudos!

    I also appreciate your timely analysis of the rock and hard place within which the WTBS has squeezed itself and its members.

    I am most sorry and concerned for all the children. The events of childhood shape us for life and the trauma, stigmas, and outright exclusion and mistreatment the children have had to bear is such a mindless and senseless tragedy, tantamount to mental genocide.

    I wish I could protect all of them, but I am a weak human.

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