The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Not Destroyed By Demons!

by Swan 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan
    Yeah. Apparently, nothing died, came back to life, and crawled into my dad's ass. He just had indigestion.

    That's hilarious, Richie!


  • mkr32208

    grandma was right!!!!!

  • Swan

    mkr32208 ,

    That was so funny!


  • FairMind
    my grandmother had us switch the channel because it was demons that were making the bridge twist like that

    Many years ago a demon named Chubby Checkers caused many people including me to do the "TWIST".

  • Satanus

    It wasn't demons, it was gremlins. I saw it happening in a movie.


  • tetrapod.sapien
    Do you have any demon stories in your family that have perfectly normal explanations? How long were you scared sh!+less as a kid by these senseless paranoid tales? Aren't you glad you don't have to be scared of that stuff any more? It's so good to be free... isn't it?

    oh yeah, smurfs man! couldn't watch the smurfs and had to throw out smurf toys. the scientific explanation: a neurological condition called idiocy.

  • kazar

    Boy, I just had some great laughs reading the posts. Of course, I didn't laugh when I was a dub and threw away most of my clothes because I had bought them in a second hand store and the dubs told me I was having problems because my clothes were demonized! I laugh a lot now.

  • Swan

    I told my husband about this at dinner tonight. Apparently his religion didn't even use the demons to scare kids like the JWs do. I asked him if he was ever scared of demons as a child and he told me, "No, because the devil kicked me out of hell one day for trying to sell ice creams down there." LOL!


  • zulukai

    Ritchie...ya gotta stop already...I'm a grandmother for Pete's sake...the old ticker just can't take all this rolling on the floor laughing. Seriously this thread is great.... I remember hearing some weird stuff too, mostly I just thought the witness people I knew were inbred or something. My mom actually didn't believe in demons almost the whole time she was a witness.....then she bought a knickknack shelf from the second hand store. You know what's coming. She was an old country Russian, salt of the good earth type but when I went to see her one day she told me "sumtink veerd iss going on, I haff da demons!" She told me that ever since she bought the shelf she couldn't sit in her favourite chair because one branch of the umbrella tree plant next to her chair would start "tvirlink". I began to wonder if some sort of senile thing was going on given her age. Other family members started to arrive and we got onto other matters when all of a sudden my daughter starts to shriek..look at that bloody plant! ...and sure enough we all saw it, one whole branch of this thing was doing the windmill thing right before our very eyes. We bundled that shelf into the car and we ALL took it back and the weird stuff never happened again.

  • Swan
    "sumtink veerd iss going on, I haff da demons!"



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