What is your greatest fear?

by Podiatrist 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LittleToe

    ...fear itself.

    All else is vanity and a striving after wind

  • jula71

    As a kid, I always loved horror movies. I remember each time I watched one, more so the "demonized" ones, I wouls lay in bed and say "johobba" three times thinking it would scare away demons. I remember hearing about saying 3 times but is it written anywhere?

  • Thegoodgirl

    I still say "Jehovah" when I'm scared. Usually alone in a dark house and hear a noise, or watching a scary movie, and turn it off to a dark quiet house. "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah" all the way to the light switch. But never I never heard to say it 3 times. Just to say his name to scare away all demons...

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    My greates fear is being physically tortured. I mean, just kill me already.

  • LouBelle

    Greatest Fear is Fear itself

    Whoopsey daisy didn't read the whole post - the above was posted by LT. But I feel the same way....

    Oh and spiders....

  • doofdaddy

    Yeah you are spot on about jws and paranoia. When I stopped attending, I did some serious catching up on lost drug time and sent myself loopy, all based around fears of the dark side and going crazy. That still is a (slowly fading) fear of mine, losing my sanity even though I don't partake anymore.

    My spiritual journey has taken me to the limits of what is reality and that helped me with a lot of fear, particularly of death. As someone noted earlier, fear of death has a subconscious strangle hold on us humans, particularly jws

  • prophecor
    Knowing something about psychology and being a mother, brings me to conclusion that watchtower has very unhealthy influence on people, especially youngsters.

    It was enough to keep me in fear as a youngster, for years afterwards as well, as I never came around to accepting the truth until my later years. During those hours outside in the world, they were filled with fear of something or someone, someday coming to kill me. The religion of our past is a religion institutionalized fear. I will always believe that it has served as a hinderance to our emotional, intellectual and social growth.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    one of my favorite yoda quotes is:

    Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
  • zagor

    Hey tetrapod.sapien you stole my favorite quote :)

    yeah I agree with everyone above. I don't think I'm still normal in that regard... long story.

  • Evanescence


    I hate spiders!

    Gee I can't believe the jw's are soooo paranoid over the devil!

    Gee what's next? they discover new light and find out that all our house plants are possesed?


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