will the end come in my time?

by kittyeatzjdubs 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    the end of the dubs that is

    i often wonder if i'll ever be able to go to my niece and nephews graduation, wedding, birth of their first baby.....the borg keeps saying that the end is nigh and yaddah yaddah yaddah...which we all know is crap...but when will their end come??? i miss my sis and my brother and even my psycho mom, b/c she's my mom and i love her...i mean...they can't keep this crap going forever...can they??

    luv, kitty (of the not so patient class)

  • RichieRich

    I give them 50 years. The internet is getting out there to a lot of people, and kids these days are getting worse and worse and growing up faster. When the GB die off, each replacement set will be weaker and weaker until the eventual end...

  • Ellie

    they've lasted this long, i can't see them coming to an end soon

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    I give them 50 years. The internet is getting out there to a lot of people

    i agree richie. i think the young ones are starting to get wise and see through the crap that these old cronies throw in there faces...i did...you did...and i know of a lot of other jdub youths who feel the same.



    luv, jojo

  • RichieRich

    I've been subtly throwing around the NGO link...

    But people can sense that I'm on the fringe anyhow... They have no idea of THIS though...

    At least, I hope they dont!

  • luna2

    It will be interesting to see, won't it? They've been able to keep the ball rolling for over a hundred years, but that's without the internet where people from all over can get together, compare notes, do research.

    I suppose as their increases die off in countries with populations that own and use PC's, they will focus attention on those places where internet access is not so readily available....where the "humble and meek" people may still be found. I'm afraid they will be around for a good long while yet.

  • Nosferatu

    There are quite a few "young ones" who fall away in their teens, but come back in their adult years. Because the internet is becoming much more popular, it will help keep the young ones away and thus prevent the organization's growth via the youth.

    Once the baby boomers start dying off, there will be a noticeable reduction in the members. That, combined with the reduction of youth will start to eat away at the number of JWs worldwide.

    However, unless the WTS does something stupid and illegal (which they're not far from), I can only see the WT getting smaller instead of dying off completely. They own enough real estate to keep themselves functioning for a long time.

  • jaffacake


    You mean you are on the inside? I'm so jealous. Just remember you can do so much good from that position, and have so much fun doing it. Could you get your hands on addresses of all those poor folks expecting back visits and drop some bombshells through their post boxes. Father forgive me.

    I sometimes think of following a JW car door to door, and following up with some anti-JW tracts...

  • RichieRich
    Just remember you can do so much good from that position, and have so much fun doing it.

    I'm being watched like a hawk...

    If I farted too loud, they would say it's because of anal sex.

    They are so full of crap they antiwitness for themselves!

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    If I farted too loud, they would say it's because of anal sex.

    ROFLMAO!!!!! i so know the feeling.....haha!!!!

    luv, jojo

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