Internet Dating......has anybody tried it?

by JV 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    I would say go for it just be very careful. I nearly ended up with someone from the internet i just met him in a chat room but while it was fun he had a lot of problems. es

  • EvilForce

    So as with everything in meet some great people you meet some kooks.

    Use discernment...but go for it. As a side note.... NYU had a study that the longer you go from "first contact" on the internet to your first "live date" the higher the chances for a successful long term relationship. Which I guess makes sense if you think about it. You get to know them pretty well the longer you chat.

  • Mecurious?

    have never internet dated but my ex-wife (she's "committable") has each year a few guys going wild, then targets one. One poor bastard from Oklahoma City met up with her and in the end she drove her truck into his kitchen, hit his car repeatably, and tried to run him over. She purports to be one of four people to these guys, and has different looks/pictures for each of them. Her name is Crystal, hope you never meet her.

    Wow some guys have all the luck!

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