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by Little Bo Peep 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    In the Aid book is said that Eve was 130 years old when Seth was born and that Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born, implying that Eve was created within one year of Adam's creation cutting down the time gap between 6,000 years of human history and 6,000 years into the 7th creative day making 1975 on the threshold of the remaining 1,000 year reign that had to take place during the 7th creative day, per the WTS anyway.

    "Aid" book claimed Adam and Eve were created in the same year:
    Adam at age 130 had a son, Seth --Aid to Bible Understanding, p.333Eve at age 130 had a son, Seth -- Aid to Bible Understanding, p.538

    This is what the Watchtower said about Eve's creation and 1975 BEFORE 1975

    "According to reliable Bible chronology, Adam and Eve were created in 4026 B.C.E." (Awake!, 10-8-68, p. 14)

    "Therefore, God's seventh day and the time man has been on earth apparently run parallel. To calculate where man is in the stream of time relative to God's seventh day of 7,000 years, we need to determine how long a time has elapsed from the year of Adam and Eve's creation in 4026 B.C.E. ....Thus, eight years remain to account for a full 6,000 years of the seventh day. Eight years from the autumn of 1967 would bring us to the autumn of 1975, fully 6,000 years into God's seventh day, his rest day." (The Watchtower, 5-1-68, p. 271)

    "At the age of 130 another son was born to her. Eve called his name Seth...." (Aid to Bible Understanding, 1971 ed., p. 538). If this information is compared to the chart in the lower right-hand corner of page 333 of the same volume, one will see, "From Adam's creation to the birth of Seth" was "130 years". Hence, both Adam and Eve were 130 years old when Seth was born, implying they were both created in the same year.

    "It would not be by mere chance or accident but would be according to the loving purpose of Jehovah God for the reign of Jesus Christ, the 'Lord of the sabbath,' to run parallel with the seventh millennium of man's existence." (Life Everlasting-In Freedom of the Sons of God, p. 30)


    it-1 p. 772 Eve ***

    When Adam was 130 years old, Eve gave birth to a son whom she called Seth, saying: "God has appointed another seed in place of Abel, because Cain killed him." She could properly express herself as she did at the births of both Cain and Seth, since God had given her and Adam their reproductive powers, and because of God’s unmerited kindness in not putting her to death immediately when she transgressed His command, she had been able to give birth. With the birth of Seth the Genesis record concerning Eve comes to a close.—Ge 4:25; 5:3, 4.


    it-2 p. 899 Seth ***

    The son of Adam and Eve born when Adam was 130 years old.

  • Euphemism
    BTW, did the YPA book replace the YY book, or did it just add to the pile of teenage crap books?

    I believe the YY book went out of print, so the YPA book was a replacement. It was actually a rewrite, however, not just a revision. Good catch on the Great Teacher book.

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