The DFing of Sister M

by Bonnie_Clyde 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Maybe it depends upon what part of the country you are from. I don't know of anyone around here who ever uses the KJV. I used to look at it sometimes when I first came into the "truth." In field service I always used the American Standard translation before the complete New World Translation came out. We liked it because it used the name "Jehovah" in the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) about 6,900 times.

    I agree that there may have been other factors contributing to the DFing like her belief in going to heaven.

  • FairMind

    I was baptized in 1972 and at that time you could order a KJV of the Bible through your local congregation or directly from the WTS. I obtained a very nice KJV at a small cost by doing this.

  • tijkmo

    does anyone have a emoticon of someone battering their head off of their computer desk

    because that is what im doing right now

  • jgnat

    Ummm, isn't the problem here that this aged woman should have been left alone in her delusion? Who cares what translation she reads from? Who cares if she was misinformed on her eternal destination? It's not like Jehovah cares a whit about what anybody else thinks, he'd take her wherever He will.

  • LongHairGal

    Regarding this sister's preferring the King James version:

    Years ago I was at a Sunday meeting with a King James bible. (I preferred it because of its small size) and didn't really think it mattered anyway.

    A busy-body sister sitting behing me noticed this and asked me why I carried it. I told her why and she commented that I shouldn't for several reasons. Yada Yada. Not long afer that I obtained a miniature NWT which I had for years.

    To think that I used to carry it around everywhere I went! But no more.


  • Pistoff

    Lot said:

    I don't say this to justify the DFing of this sister. I have no idea of the circumstances and I don't believe in this practice anyway, but the stated reason given by your father is not represented by the WTS.

    Lot, you don't know what you are talking about. Really. You think that your experience of the WT is the accurate one, but you are like so many others that just do not know what the WT will do.
    If this lady persisted in using the KJV if the elders told her not to, they could DF her for causing divisions, or for apostasy, or for resisting the elder arrangement. Course it was 1965, so there were no elders, just congregation servants, but you get the idea; she did not just buckle under to the "arrangement". It is that simple.

    You may not think so, but the elders can DF for any reason they like, if they just frame the reason within the existing actionable offenses. My older brother used quotes from other translations during the WT study in his answers; he was COUNSELED for it. They told him that he should NOT use other translations, just the NWT. Even though the society uses others. I am sure that if he continued, they would have DF'd him for causing divisions.

  • LoverOfTruth

    The saddest thing about Sister M is the lack of respect these people had for an old woman.

    Where I come from, I was taught to RESPECT Old People.

  • Lot

    I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. After all I was talking about me and what I do. It is pretty arrogant of you to say otherwise. It seems that you like to do what you accuse the WT of doing when you twist my words. I said that DFing this sister because she used the KJV did not represent the views of the WTS and that cannot be challenged. Show me anywhere in print where the WTS has ever made such a statement. Bodies of elders do many things that are out of line with the WTS, but they did not DF this sister and use the KJV as the stated reason in their correspondence with the WTS. This is all I am going to say on this matter because it doesn't seem to be as important as we are making it.


  • Balsam

    My Mom was a witness the last 20 years of her life. And as she reached her 80's and her mental health was suffering due to harding of the arterys, she revered back to thinking she was going to heaven too. I never corrected her, but my JW husband and kids knew it and none of us made a big deal about it. She even said that to one of the Elders who visited her, and he looked at me wondering why she said that. I told him she was sick and her mind did not function well anymore and that we did not make an issue of it. He just smiled and said ok and that was the end of it. No one ever bothered my mother, if they had I would have ripped their throat out. LOL She was a sweety. She used to say that the JW were so boring, and never knew how to laugh. She was so right.

    I guess it just depends on the attitude of the Elders, disfellowshipping a person who is aging is just not right. I knew of another aging brother in his 80's that quit coming the meetings, and talking about going to heaven. The elders left him alone too, and the friends continued to visit him. We all just understood that stuff happens when people get old.

    Disfellowshipping that old gal was terrible. I did know of an old brother who took up smoking in his 80's they disfellowship him, and he didn't understand why.


  • jeanniebeanz


    Respectfully, I had a couple thoughts on your post that I wanted to point out if you don't mind.

    I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. After all I was talking about me and what I do. It is pretty arrogant of you to say otherwise.
    "Ok" to the first point and and "yeah, kinda" to the second.
    Show me anywhere in print where the WTS has ever made such a statement.
    Well, we know that they often say one thing in print and do otherwise in practice. Happens all the time. I was told that if I went to the police over my ex husband who was hurting me that they would take action against me. I don't think you could point to anything in writing from the WTBTS that would support them in that action, but that did not stop them from threatening me with action if I turned the wife beating SOB in.
    Bodies of elders do many things that are out of line with the WTS,
    but they did not DF this sister and use the KJV as the stated reason in their correspondence with the WTS
    Again, how do you know? Were you there? The person closer to the facts than you said that they did. How can you say different unless you saw the records or talked to the JC yourself? Didn't you just call someone else 'arrogant' for criticizing you for expressing your own views based upon personal experience? How can you do the same without also being 'kinda arrogant' as well?
    This is all I am going to say on this matter because it doesn't seem to be as important as we are making it.

    It is important that these types of inconsistencies between printed instructions to the elders and what actually happens in real practice be brought to light. In that sense it is very important. The lady effected by this may argue whether or not she thought it was important with you based upon its effect on her life, and at a very sensitive time in her life. You didn't have any issues using the KJV, that's cool. I was counseled for it and told not to use it anymore, that wasn't cool. There are a lot of inconsistencies in this religion. It is not as united as it claims to be. That is the point. Jean

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