When the organization is having problems its NEVER be the fault of the WTS

by Elsewhere 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Surely admiting it means you're not a false prophet? Cos you have recanted what you said before, whereas just changing what you said before without admitting you have changed is deceit, and hoping no-one will notice you were wrong.

    When I studied law at Uny it was the first time I was exposed to having to quote all my references accurately, and it realised just how many vague things were said in the Witchtower without a reference to back it up e.g. 'many religious leaders' etc etc - how many?, which ones exactly?, author, title, page number and publisher? You would never pass an assignment with those kinds of vague statements.

    Sad thing is I started writing my assignments in Witchtower speak, and soon got picked up on such sloppy bogus academia.

  • LouBelle

    I'm finding that the minute I realise that I'm reading something from the borg I start feeling ill. I'm so sick & tired of excuses excuses excuses - I've even told this to some of the JW's that want to know why I've left. I'm sick & tired of hearing "we are not perfect" "we are only human" "everyone makes mistakes" *scream* NOT IF YOU ARE MEANT TO BE THE TRUTH......They are truly the mondern day pharasees - they are white washed graves!

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