Image on page 15 of "Keep on the watch" study

by skin 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ozziepost

    That stone is sure on a strange trajectory - it curves all the way round the paragraphs and then sneaks up on the 'image' - must be laser-guided!!!

  • DevonMcBride

    It looks like a monster from a Japanese scifi flick.

  • BluesBrother

    OK I think Blondie has answered it as good or better than any Group Study conductor would hav done. I bet they don't get lively discussions like this on a Tuesday night.

    As I recall, that stone has been hurtling on its way from the Mother - rock ever since I first studied Daniel in the "Your Will be Done on Earth" book back in the late 50's. We would sometimes see a new illustration and say that they had moved the stone closer - that shows that you should not read too much into the illustrations!

    BTW , I could not help but notice the comment on the opposite page.

    True Christians want to live and serve Jehovah forever.That prospect is not less precious because they must wait for certain blessings a little longer than some may have expected .

    Oh well. When a prediction fails, blame the hearers not yourself. Make 'em believe it was all their fault , perhaps they only thought they had read it in the Watchtower!

  • steve2

    I'm not prone to paranoia - at least I don't think I am - but isn't the actual shape of that hurtling stone changing from publication to publication? Perhaps someone who is familiar with the nongravitational impact of hurtling objects in outer space can enlighten me? I suspect, though, that the stone is changing shape because it has been repeatedly forced to slow down on its trajectory due to the governing body getting it the end time dates so wrong. That must be hell of a frustrating for the stone.

  • acadian


    Which world power was the penis?

    The DONG dynasty?

    Actually Richie that was the Ding Dong Dynasty between 1437 B.C.E. 1438 B.C.E. they went limp pretty quick.


  • steve2

    Which world power was the penis?

    The DONG dynasty?

    No,no,no! It was neither the Dong dynasty nor the Ding Dong dynasty. A close inspection of history shows that it was the Cockadians, that fine race of firm, upright beings who were ever prepared to thrust themselves into tight places but who were undone by lack of requisite armour, acquiring all sorts of slings and arrows and dying out in the process.

  • watchtower_and_afake

    Do you think the cockadians, while thrusting themselves in tight spaces, that Greece ever helped? Just wondering?

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