Why should Kingdom Hall sales proceeds go to the Watchtower?

by VM44 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TweetieBird

    I know the Bonham, TX deal was almost 20 years ago, but does anyone know what happened to the 3 that got disfellowshipped? Someone mentioned that it would be interesting to see how Ralph Deal was able to get a whole congregation behind him. Not that far-fetched if everyone is related to one another, which happens quite a bit in the borg, especially the elder/ms body. I've been in congregations where it could have been named "Joe Blow's congregation" cause everyone (that mattered) was related to Joe Blow.

  • metatron

    I think what needs to be distinguished here is NOT that the Society owns the Kingdom Halls

    but rather a discreet intent to try and grab the proceeds from any sale. I believe that

    some elders and C.O.'s conspire to "donate" such proceeds, partly on the assumption that

    a need has to created to get the friends to donate regularily - and that may not happen if

    they know that a big pile of cash is waiting in the bank. I know personally of at least

    one congregation that 'disappeared' a huge pile of donated cash by loaning it to the Society.

    To this day, I have no idea if they secretly donated it or what. The rest of the elders

    were never told.


  • blondie

    I do know that such loans are supposed to be proposed and voted on by the congregation. Will some elders do this behind the scenes? Of course, but I have always seen it put up for a congregation resolution. Now will most of the rank and file just rubber stamp it, yes, but I have seen such things voted down too.

    The point then is will some elders and/or the WTS do things behind the scenes illegally if they think they can get away with it? Yes.

    A secondary point is that there is a legal foundation for these things and there are enough honest JWs or some that do not believe that whatever benefits the WTS, benefits the congregation. I have seen elder bodies with quite a large sum of money in the congregation savings account, refuse the CO or other WTS representative (politely) to send it as a gift to the WTS or to a congregation of the WTS choosing.

    The WTS act as a banker for many congregations and congregations will deposit monies (with interest paid) with them to be invested. Individuals are also given this choice; having their money invested through a non-profit organization, gives them special tax breaks. Details are in this brochure which you don't have to go through a congregation to get. See below.


    Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide Brochure



    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

    100 Watchtower Drive,

    Patterson, New York 12563-9204

    Telephone: (845) 306-0707

  • Jewel

    I just had an interesting conversation with my Mom (a long-time and current Witness). She was all upset because the elders are pushing (again) to sell their Kingdom Hall and build a new one. In the town where she goes to meeting, there are two congregations. There's been this big push to sell the two Halls and build one new one for the congs to share. The "Society" sent out a brother to do a "Feasibility Study" who said they should sell both Halls for $130,000 (a HUGELY inflated value in our economy) each and then borrow nearly $400,000 from said Society to buy a new lot and build the new building. Both current Halls are more than big enough and paid off. Both congs are solvent, but just.

    Of course, they ask the r&f what they think like, "Should we follow Jehovah's bidding and sell our KH to build a new one?" (vote by raised hand-very anonymous) or "Do you want to flout the advice of the Society?" (again indicate by raised hands). My Mom, who has fought valiantly over the last 20 years to stamp out her few remaining self-determinative brain cells so she can be a better Witness, gets really frustrated by the whole thing.

    She tells me about it, because she doesn't dare say anything to any of her "brothers and sisters"-they'd turn her in for her heretical thoughts-but she needs to talk to someone because she gets so upset. Then she apologizes and says she shouldn't tell me because she doesn't want to further damage my faith. Since I haven't been to a meeting in 20 years I assure her that nothing she tells me is new news (I remember the congregational politics) and that my faith is beyond danger.

    None of the "reasons" she tells me they are using make any sense whatsoever. I can only assume that the real reason will somehow benefit the Society financially. And I can be incredibly relieved that I left all that behind me a long time ago.

    Jewel the Jaded

  • avengers
    And really, the odds of an entire congregation going apostate, are pretty slim.

    Well, something to work on isn't it. Thanks for the idea.

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