*Sex* & the Evolution vs. Creation debate

by tetrapod.sapien 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • EvilForce

    Maybe the women are smart enough to know that the creation / evolution debate is one to stay away from since no one ever really gives in their postion and people end up calling each other moron, idiot, fool, etc....

  • tetrapod.sapien


    lol, yes, i could see that. so men are generally better trolls, and women tend to embrace enlightenment? i think i'm seeing a pattern...

  • hopelesslystained

    female here. evolution makes sense and is logical. i feel that if there is some 'super duper being' in charge of it all, it only makes sense to have used evolution as a means to perfect it's work. but, neither do i feel it would of made the realization if itself so very confusing, other than for some sic sense of entertainment, such as recorded in the "bible". the two don't mesh. at this point, i am leaning more towards the thought that we are all connected and part of an all encompassing continuum (sp?) where does that continuum (sp?) originate? I persnnally have no idea. it's just the best sense i can make of any of this existence. which, by the way, i have a feeling will never end. my 'feelings' so far in this life have been totally correct, why should they fail me now? yup, looking for a male, logical, response.

    So, just how 'left field is that?'

  • tetrapod.sapien


    thanks! i haven't had the opportunity to welcome you to the board yet...so welcome!

    i was looking more just for reasons, than for a debate. i was just really curious as to why females are absent from the debate. but thanks for your input, it's appriciated!



  • hopelesslystained

    thanks for the welcome. as for reasons being absent from the debate? maybe because the female input in the jw religion is considered, mute. It's something we, mostly never dwelled on. the female is definitely held to be a 3rd class entity with no purpose other than to serve and reproduce on command. oh, and don't forget, responsible for all hospitality. ugh! not my nature. we are to be present and accounted for, but certainly not noticed as an individual. so, why would most female jws,exjws have any opinion or thoughts on something so debatable as evolution vs. creation? viewpoints on which the elders base their stated opinions on from the accepted governing body viewpoints? and these stated as gods standpoint? also,only if it has been printed in their official magazine, the watchtower? so, i'm saying, it is a personal developmental point of debate for the female jw/exjw to have any opinon at all, about evolution, creation or anything else. peace

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