Question for elders

by gringojj 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    Mr. Elder, do you really believe that God is happy with all the failed prophecies and changed doctrines spoken in His name by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses?

  • gringojj

    Thats a good question and i asked my wife would it be fair for Jehovah to kill people who couldnt have faith in the WTS after all the mess ups and scandals they have had? I mean honestly lets just say for a second he did choose them. He must be shaking his head in disgust at how bad they have messed things up and how they are a bunch of greedy people. They have disgraced him by speaking in his name yet giving his name a bad reputation. The fact that people are annoyed with them when they are walking up to the door and tell them to go away before they even have a chance to speak shows that they are not God's true org.

  • prayingheart

    If u say only 144,000 is going to heaven does that mean that GOD has respective people and has favorites

    and if that is so

    why is written that GOD HAS NO RESPECTER PERSONS Acts 10:34

    Why do u have to wait so long to be baptized? I know JWs have training or whatever

    but it is all too scary to know that I am not ready yet

    If I could fix myself why did JESUS COME??

    Acts 16:33

    And is is also written whosoever will let them come!

    To My Knowledge

    U have to be worked on

    and God is not seeking an organization he just wants to be personal

    better words a relationship

  • gringojj



    You: Hard question for elder

    Elder: I don't know the answer to that one; I'll have to do some research and come back.

    You (2 years later): still waiting for him to come back.


    Double posting a lot today... sorry all.

    You: Hard question for elder

    Elder: I don't know the answer to that one; I'll have to do some research and come back.

    You (2 years later): still waiting for him to come back.

    LOL... So true, Blondie you are so knowledgeable about the inner workings of elderhood. I once kinda recently had a person at the door ask me something like: " why was Jesus such an instigator while on earth? He stirred up so much controversy, couldnt he have done it in a more subtle way that would perhaps lure more people to his fold? For example the tossing the money changers out..." anyway you get the point, he was pretty thorough in his question. Never been back yet. I wonder if he is still waiting...

  • gringojj

    Maybe I shouldnt be searching for reasons why we shouldnt believe them, but look for reasons why we should. I usually get a response to that. "Because we are the only religion that has real love amongst its people". What a load a crap.

  • RichieRich

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