Any good times?

by tattoogrl333 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • tattoogrl333

    Just wondering if there were any positives to being a JW. i have read most of the posts and see that a lot of people were JW for years and years and was thinking that not all that time could things have been bad?

    Oh and somewhere in Gen. it is supposed to state that we are living in the 7th day now???? Where is that?

  • ChuckD

    Of course there will be good experiences. People have good times in almost any situation, and this is no different. But is the overall experience positive? I don't believe that it is.

    But there are measurable benefits. The training in public speaking is a good skill one takes away from the experience. I have no trouble getting up in front of a roomfull of people and talking at length about alomst anything.

    Also, when I was in retail sales, much of the training we received followed the same pattern as what was taught to us during the service meetings. It all seemed very familiar, and was also based on overcoming objections. Let's face it, if you are willing to wake someone up on a Saturday morning to tell them that everything they hold sacred is wrong, selling them a new stereo is pretty easy.

  • Farkel

    : Just wondering if there were any positives to being a JW

    Dubs like to get drunk a lot.


  • betweenworlds

    Well of course not every second is horrible, but as a whole, most witnesses are completely, absolutely, stressed out! The burdon is, is that you are made to feel that you must spend ALL your time either studying, going to meetings, going on bible studies etc, etc. or else you aren't *STRONG* in the truth, are spiritually weak, and basically frowned upon. I suppose there are some out there that like having their lives regimented to that degree, but I for one am not one of them! since I have *FALLEN AWAY* (Doesn't the terminology just tick ya off??) I have never been happier, or had a better sense of spirituality. I am able to THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It feels like a huge opressive weight has been lifted off my heart.

    Can't help ya with the 7th day thingy :)


  • expatbrit

    Yes, absolutely true about the getting drunk thing. How else can you understand the Revelation Climax book?

    One thing I miss from dub days is the Sunday evening after meeting football game. Despite the constant warnings from the platform on not getting too competitive, we used to merrily hack and slash away (generally at the elder dishing out the warnings). No one can play dirty like JW's after all.

    Of course, after such exertion, six pints at the local boozer was a virtual necessity for fluid replacement and book study preparation.


  • Gopher


    I wanted to try to answer your 7th day of Genesis question. In chapter 1 of Genesis, each of the first 6 "days" is shown to have ended. (There came to be evening, there came to be morning, another day.)

    But in Genesis 2:3, it says "God has been resting in the 7th day." No completion to this 'restful' 7th day is shown.

    GopherEven if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
    Will Rogers (1879-1935)

  • Flip
    ...Let's face it, if you are willing to wake someone up on a Saturday morning to tell them that everything they hold sacred is wrong, selling them a new stereo is pretty easy.

    Lol! Chuck! lol! Hopefully the manufacturers engineering isn't crap. :)


  • Bendrr

    Hey Tatoo! Sure there are good times in the Empire.
    I had as we all have I'm sure some wonderful times with friends in the dubs. There were even times in field service that were enjoyable. A good time is what you make of your situation.

    "Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!

  • slipnslidemaster

    Alot of the "good times" are colored with the fear of having too much "fun" and being turned in for something that this month is wrong.

    One of the big "fun" things that I always heard about were the roller skating parties that were held. Evidentally something happened and all of the sudden you couldn't do that anymore. Be careful if you have an even number of boys and girls in a group. Even though dubs are supposed to be allowed to date in a group, if it's an even number, then you might be "tempted" to pair off!

    Oh yes, there is tons of fun in the organization.

    Slipnslidemaster: "The gods too are fond of a joke."
    - Aristotle

  • Francois

    Farkel is right on the money as usual. They do like to get together at get togethers and get blotto.

    My uncle moved to a small town in Tennessee in 1958, just after he graduated from college (yes, college). He was very active and in short order was the congregation overseer. Coming from south Georgia, our family was accustomed to inhaling, um, drinking copius amounts of beer especially since only half of us were JWs.

    Now the JWs in the small Tennessee town drank, but they hid it. Apparently there had been some sort of terror as CO in previous years and so everyone hid their drinking. After my uncle took over, he started having get togethers at his home at which he would have beer, and I mean beer. Beer by the case, iced down in number three washtubs. Beer coming out their eyes. Beer coming from every pore. Beer sloshing around in their shoes. It was great to see all the freedom to get sloshed openly.

    Too bad it stopped there.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

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