No Moral Absolutes?

by Rex B13 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jimmer

    I just have to chuckle. These comments all purport to contain some element of a moral reality. Again I pose the question, "How do you know whether something is moral or not; right or wrong?"
    None of the above statements has yet to answer that question fully.
    Gut feelings and/or measured consequenses do not get to the heart of the issue. They are merely assertions that fail because of their inherent subjectivity and relativity.

  • ros

    My personal view is that morality is not subjective, but people opinions about make it appear to be subjective. I tend to think that the morality of a partaicular specie is evident from the needs of their young, and the attitude of parents about their off-spring. So, in those species that mate for life, we see both parents taking part in the rearing of their young, and the offspring have an inherent need that matches the parental participation. Also, in some species (birds), it seems that mating at least matches the time it takes for the young to mature where both parents participate in the upbringing.

    So, I ask: Why do people mate? Especially people who believe in open and free sex. Presumably, if they are honest, they have the same standard for their mate, right? Why not abolish marriage and get rid of all the problems associated with d-i-v-o-r-c-e? If people want to live together fine--nothing stopping them. Any number and any combination. If a woman wants a harem of men, what's the big deal? People in those families wouldn't know who their father was, but then what difference should that make? Its subjective isn't it? Lots of animals don't know who their sire is, and they get along just fine. And just think: There wouldn't be any jealous rages for unfaithfulness, no unwarranted possiveness. We need to simplify human existence and get rid of a lot of these subjective hang-ups. People don't NEED to know who their sire is. Right? We've been 'brainwashed' again. (Course, then there is the question, why do so many human fathers feel such a strong attachment for their off-spring. Must be subjective.)

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