What would be on your 1.00 per day menu, and could you do it?

by SixofNine 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mac

    "NO Free Food!"

  • talesin

    "NO Free Food!"

    lmao !

    "Eat the Rich !"

  • Mac

    Feed the poor...

    til there are..

    no rich no more......

    mac, how many years after class?

  • greendawn

    I don't exactly know what food prices are like in the USA but I don't think that with one dollar per day one can buy enough food to survive for 60 days most likely can't even get enough calories for each day. By the end of that period one would suffer from the effects of severe malnutrition. Perhaps $2 per day is more realistic.

    However if it was necessary to do it then the best strategy is to use food that's cheap and nutritious and what come to mind are legumes, bread and pasta, patatoes,peanuts, sodas(soft drinks in the UK)are an absolute no-no since they contain just sugar and no other nutrition. Must eat at home to minimise expenses and buy a bottle with 60 vitamin pills, normally very cheap, to at least cover for these.

  • greendawn

    By the way what do the abbreviations btt imao and ROFL mean?

  • OldSoul

    btt = back to topic

    bttt = back to the top (bumping threads back to the top of the pile)

    LMAO = laughing my aspects off

    ROFL = Rolling on floor laughing (ROTFL is a variant)

    LMFAO = you get the idea

  • greendawn

    Old soul thanks for the info, there is also IMAO which sounds like "in my a? opinion" what does the a stand for? IMHO I think is "in my humble opinion", I hope so because I use it occasionally in that sense.

  • OldSoul

    hmm. <--- at greendawn

    would the "a" stand for asinine? Probably true, although uncharacteristically honest for a forum poster ...

  • ApagaLaLuz

    oooooo, great question!! I actually pretty much had to do this when I first moved out. The coffee despenser at my work, also despensed chicken broth, $.30 for a cup. McDonalds used to have $.25 hamburger Tuesdays, so I'd buy $2.00 worth, and save them and eat them through out the week. Also, the 99 Cent Store has the imitation Top Ramen 20 for a $1.00. They didnt taste very good, but one could spice them up with parmesan cheese, and garlic. I was once soooo broke I ate Mustard for 3 days ;) It sounds like a sad story, and it was, I was SUPER thin and took vitamins everyday to make sure my cheap ass diet didn't make me sick.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Week 1
    2.00 2 dozen eggs
    1.50 2 lbs brown rice (bulk section)
    1.50 2 lbs pinto beans (bulk section)
    1.75 cabbage
    0.25 onion

    Week 2
    3.00 fruit
    2.00 salad
    2.00 2 dozen eggs

    Week 3
    2.00 2 dozen eggs
    1.00 cheese
    1.50 lentils
    1.75 cabbage
    0.25 onion
    0.50 cookie

    Week 4
    2.00 2 dozen eggs
    5.00 1 gallon icecream

    Week 5

    Gosh. That doesnt sound like a half-bad diet! Maybe I should apply it to my life. Albeit eggs get a bit boring after a while.

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