Playstation 3! pic+specs

by IronGland 20 Replies latest social entertainment

  • roybatty

    Halo2 on Xbox live.....blows everything away for gaming fun.

  • IronGland
    Halo2 on Xbox live.....blows everything away for gaming fun.

    Yes its good, but what does it have to do with the PS3?

  • seattleniceguy
    System Floating Point Performance 2 TFLOPS



  • drwtsn32

    I wonder if you can run SETI@Home on the PS3 while you're not playing games. hehe

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Those controllers look awkward.

  • Euphemism

    Teraflops has got to be a typo. 1.8 TFlops on a 550 MHz processor is over 3000 flops per clock cycle. That's simply ridiculous. I'm thinking they must mean gigaflops.

  • prophecor

    Not for another 3 years easy, can you believe when the PS2 came out initially it was $299.00

    I never bought one until they came down in price. $199.00. That was 3 years ago. I've been thru about 1 a year with the extended warranty. The last one under warranty was just replaced, not with the big bulky PS2, as they no longer carry them at Best Buy, but with the skimmed down version.

    In no hurry, whatsoever.

  • the_classicist

    It's only got 1 processor at 3.2 GHz, but the XBOX 360 has three.

    I'm no computer genius, but I'll take the XBOX.

  • talesin

    XBOX ,,, hate that it's microsoft, but it's the only one ... 'free' makes it good, too ...

    I watched a TV show about this PS, and it's pretty frickin' amazing machine,,, will wait to compare when the new xbox to decide, though.

    ( missing Blasto ~ PS1 )

  • Simon
    System Floating Point Performance 2 TFLOPS

    They are counting the GPU processing power in that so it's a bit misleading. I think the XBox 360 has more power (3 x 3.2Ghz CPUs vs 1 x 3.XGhz)

    The game trailers for the XBox 360 games look awesome too. Have a look for them on

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