Birthday Greeting Card for JWs

by JAVA 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA

    Check this out when looking for a Birthday Greeting for your JW friend:

    counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • Simon

    LOL, I like it... just wish I knew some birthdates and email addresses to send it to...

  • Princess

    I love it. Bookmarked and ready to send to those cousins who stayed here last month! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


  • logical

    Thats a nice card

  • Prisca

    What a cool card! Who'da thought someone would go to the trouble?

    Thanks for the link JAVA.

  • JAVA

    On the topic of JW birthdays, there are two JWs living in the college dormitory where I work. They don't know I'm a former Witness, and don't know I'm aware of the JW ban on birthdays. Each month I have a dorm birthday party for the students with birthdates that month; I have a cake with the names, etc., and all students on their dorm floor are invited.

    The JW students show up for the cake and ice cream, and I make sure they get the piece of cake with their name on it when it's their birthday month. When JW students (18 to 22-yrs old) don't think others know about their crazy sect, they enjoy birthday parties, too.

    counting time at the Coffee Shop

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