How to fold a T-shirt

by Pleasuredome 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pleasuredome
  • Scully

    Thank you! I've always wanted to know how to make shirts look nice and neat like that!

  • JamesThomas

    That was extremely cool. However after many tries mine still don't look like hers. I think it was when she explained the


  • drwtsn32

    Woah, that was cool.

  • Pleasuredome

    ive got the technique sussed now. quite handy for when you go on your hols.

  • bebu

    Thanks! I'm gonna go practise now.

    Hmmm. Maybe my boys will think it's fun, and finally FOLD THEIR OWN CLOTHES... (j/k)


  • Special K
    Special K

    If I told you how my husband and I have kept trying to figure this would laugh at us.

    and now...

    I'll go back to doing it MY WAY, Damn it!


    Special K

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Sweeet. Im going to show my wife. Hey wait a minute. If I do that,then I'll be the official shirt folder upper. Hey any vidio on how to find a socks mate.

  • DanTheMan

    that was cool, either I'm stupid or that was really hard to learn, but I've got it now LOL

    by the way, that's one lucky smurf there jt stumbler

  • NeonMadman

    There is a woman who is a purchasing agent for an account that I make a sizeable sale of uniforms and sportswear to about once a year. Now, I've been in the textile rental business for a long time (since 1978) and I still can't fold a shirt correctly. I think it is a genetic defect of some sort. Anyway, I was showing this woman some samples one day, and she refolded one of them perfectly after looking at it. As she handed it back to me, I commented on how well she had folded it, and mentioned that I had been in the clotthing business for many years and couldn't fold a shirt that well. She just smiled at me and said, "I'm a mother."

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