
by loosie 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • loosie

    Has anyone ever been hypnotized?

    If so what are your experiences?

    Is it really as bad as the JW's say it is?

  • Elsewhere

    A person must want to be hypnotized... it cannot be done against their will.

    There really is no such thing as a true hypnotic state because the person "under the influence" of such a thing must allow everything to happen and actually want to do everything that they do.

    Basically, if a person believes they can be hypnotized then thay can be hypnotized... otherwise it is impossible to hypnotize a person who does not "buy it".

    I suspect this is why the WTS does not allow their members to be hypnotized: They know that the only reason why the person is a JW is because they easily allow themselves to be influenced and therefore do not want the person exposed to any other influence other than their own.

  • FMZ

    Elsewhere I disagree that those who don't believe in or don't want to be hypnotized cannot be hypnotized.

    I believe that it has more to do with the brain's ability to change frequencies. As the brain changes frequency, as it does as you drift off to sleep, it goes into different stages. Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta stages. In hypnosis, the hypnotizer will speak in a certain manner which slowly takes your brain down to working on Beta and Alpha stages, where you would normally be asleep.

    The same applies to certain kinds of meditation, self hypnosis, and those tapes that help you break habits. If your brain has been trained to reach these frequencies easily (or you were born with the innate ability) then you will easily be able to be hypnotized.

    I agree though on the part that we aren't completely under the control of the hypnotist, we still filter the commands through certain parts of our mind which allow or disallow certain actions.

    As for how "bad" hypnotism is... it's as bad as a pair of scissors. Can be useful, fun, or used improperly it can be dangerous.


  • loosie

    So are you saying that if you were to be hypnotized or listened to a subliminal(sp) tape that the demons won't enter your mind and take control?!?!?!

  • MegaDude

    Hypnosis, when done by a trained professional, can be a deeply relaxing process. I was hypnotized once by a professional and the feeling was like mentally going down into deep relaxation very quickly. The theory is that in this state you're more suggestible to what the hypnotist says since you're in a deep semi-conscious state.

    The idea that hypnosis leaves you open for demonic possession is something I've only heard in the Watchtower. You might value this statement along with other Watchtower pronouncements like their accuracy for predicting the end of the world.

    Hyponosis clinics are all over the place and they are used for therapeutic means, like stopping smoking, losing weight, et cetera.

    In a nutshell, imagine being deeply relaxed, eyes closed, and hearing positive statements or affirmations. That's hypnosis in a nutshell.

    I've seen a film of a woman hypnotized who is singing while they perform a Caesarean on her with no anesthesia. Impressive... if it was real.

    So to answer your question, many thousands of people are hypnotized and are not possessed, but of course your experience may differ.

    *head spins and spews green vomit. Says "The sow is mine!!!!!!"

  • Charisma

    I would like to be hypnotized and forget I ever was a Jehovah's Witness!

  • IP_SEC

    Hypnosis is just an altered state of consciousness. There is nothing magical about it. Witnesses think that hypnosis means that a person is less alert. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our minds are made to be 'hypnotized.'

    There are varying levels of hypnosis. Have you ever been in a situation where an hour flew by in what seemed like 15 minutes or less? Your mind was in an altered state that allowed you perception of time to be changed. Have you ever been sitting through a meeting and zone out? That is a type of hypnosis. We can even hypnotize ourselves.

    Consciousness and reality are tricky beasts, but is hypnosis dangerous? I practice self hypnosis everyday and look where it got me? I'm an apost... Oh crap maybe I shouldn't oughta have done that. :P

    Edited to remove a few errant question marks. :I

  • OldSoul

    I happen to know a man over 80 years of age who was trained thoroughly in the art of unwilling hypnosis. It is not necessary to want to be hypnotized and it is not necessary to want to do what you will do. It is only necessary that you believe you want to.


  • vitty


    I know what you mean by altered perception of time, It happens to me all the time, when im on here. I think ill just go on the forum for a couple of minutes before I make the evening meal, then s````` Its been an hour and the kids are asking what to eat and my husbands coming home from work, and if he catching me on this again--------------- whewwwwww

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    I happen to know a man over 80 years of age who was trained thoroughly in the art of unwilling hypnosis. It is not necessary to want to be hypnotized and it is not necessary to want to do what you will do. It is only necessary that you believe you want to.

    I agree...

    however the real trick of hypnosis is to voluntarily let another guide your thoughts.... in order for you to do so, you must have trust or faith in that one... when JWs endoctrinate their borg drones...they practice a form of hypnotic induction by getting the membership to blindly accept their guidance on each and every matter that has been addressed. Their bible trained conscience is really a code word for an implanted hypnotic guide who acts from within...he is a 4 dimensional model of a super jw which they claim is patterned after Jesus, though minus all the kewl abilities.

    being in a hypnotic trance does not seem all that different, you can seem wide awake, but as I discovered first hand there is a telescoping tunnel vision which prevents you from seeing too far a field of the trusted and accepted programming.... only when the spell is broken -ie- the trust in the hypnotist is lost, can you see how much you have been ignoring.... JWs waste a lot of effort on those who are still under the spell of some other hypnotic induction when they try to convert them...

    which is kind of what they mean by looking for people with the right heart condition....thats just code for people who have lost their trust in their old hypnotists and have not found a new one yet.

    rare are the individuals who are awake and without being guided by some hypnotic inductions and realize the nature of the game...

    I have rooted out a great many of mine over time, but I suspect there are still quite a few lurking about.

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