CoC--Mexico vs Malawi or other countries

by love2Bworldly 12 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    My husband is from a border town and he know first hand about the bribing, it was common knowledge among the brothers there , this story broke my heart, I just could not imagine how these supposed annointed brothers in bethel could be so cruel and unloving to their fellow man, that goes to show that the annointed CRAP is all BS, there are no damn annointed, maybe alot of schizo's who hear voices and see things, that's about it!

    AAARRGGGHHHHH! After I cried for those poor brothers in Malawi, I began feeling so much anger for those Jerks in the Tower, I HOPE THAT BARBARA's NEWS HELPS EVERYONE SEE THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE, A BUNCH OF COWERDLY OPPORTUNISTS!

    I bet they never went to Malawi to comfort the brothers over there, I bet they've never been brave enough to stand up for their "Truth" in a country where it was banned! I'm talking about the GB members, they can say anything they want to the R & F from the safety of their freakin Tower, but I want to see them put their butt's in harms way, what don't they trust Jehovah to keep them safe? I Think they know, they would be rounded up and tortured with the rest of the brothers, that's why they have never done it!

    IC (of the ship the GB members to Georgia to test their faith class)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    In 30 years a Watchtower Slave Schnell very clearly discusses how Rutherford manipulated JWs and the courts and media to make a few martyrs for the cause. He deliberately sent JWs to areas knowing full well they would be arrested. And that he could turn it to his advantage.

    Rutherford drew the map on manipulation and martyrdom within the org.

    My guess is that is exactly what was done to the brothers in Malawi. They became martyrs for the cause. The goal was a battle for religious rights.

    Now the issue in Mexico is slightly different. I believe that at the time the JWs were not considered a religion but rather was classified as a cultural organization (Franz states that in Mexico religious groups were not allowed to won property. The government owed all church properties - something that the WTS would not agree to). Now if you are a "cultural organization" you can't very well go around making "religious martyrs" of people who are gathered in a cultural community. The entire purpose for the WTS to be a cultural group instead of a religious group was entirely due to the law about religious ownership of property. Franz also makes clear that this was an arrangement by they WTS istelf and not just simply something the brothers did on their own (BTW I didn't realize that until reading it now) (Franz CoC p 155) . Shockingly to reinforce the idea that they were simply a cultural group the JW did not take Bibles door to door, not to pray at meetings and no singing at the meetings!!! (p 155-156) The brothers had to give up these things so that the WTS could own---- property!!!

  • YoursChelbie
    The entire purpose for the WTS to be a cultural group instead of a religious group was entirely due to the law about religious ownership of property

    So the priorities of the Watchtower is increase assets and property ownership first, carry on the preaching and worship second.


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