Could a Gandhi like Person,, Help Break The Governing Body's Power Over

by frankiespeakin 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    In Logan's thread he mentioned Ghandi and it got me to thinkin What if,,,,someone like???Well let me ask these questions first:

    What do you think about Gandhi? Wan't he a genius or very wise person? We perhaps have all heard the story of how he got England to volunteerily give up control of India through non-violence means.

    The the reason I ask these questions are, to think of the possiblity of someone or perhaps even a few of these types of individuals would come out of the control of the WT and divise non-violent scemes that force the GB to give up the control they now have over the rank and file. Do any of you think that could very well be a possiblity? I'm not talking about any self proclaimed leader,, who all the xjws follow,,but merely someone who has a good idea and knows how to impliment it,,and perhaps knows how to get the right amount of support in the process. Now that would be cool.

  • Oroborus21


    The answer is YES. But it is not necessarilly due to an individual, although leadership is needed.

    Actually, though Gandhi's technique was not just about non-violence though that was part of it. His technique is what he called PASSIVE RESISTANCE.

    This conveys not just sitting idly by and not hurting anything or anyone or causing any damage, etc. The core idea here is that there is in fact ACTION and in some cases NON-ACTION, this is the "resistance" part of the technique.

    So what are some forms of Passive Resistance that Jehovah's Witnesses could engage in to send a message to the powers that be? I will give you just a few examples and I am sure others could think of more:

    1. Cease making any donations

    2. Cease participating at meetings

    3. Cease going out in field service

    4. Cease "following the rules" whether they be the prohibition on association with Disfellowshipped ones or the Blood Ban. (granted these may lead to consequences but as with Gandhi's followers, sometimes one must suffer the consequences in order to stand firm.)



  • GetBusyLiving

    I thought a starvation protest would work really well against the GB, especially with the blood policy issue. It would get great coverage by the media.

    Now to find someone willing to possibly starve to death.


  • ColdRedRain

    I can. I need to lose the weight.

  • barry

    I beleive it would be hard for a leader in the WT Org to establish himself because all the WT writers are anonamous and and it would be like an excellent writer in the real world trying to make a name for himself by writeing a book and not only getting a best seller but getting people to follow his idears.

    The WT has been very cleaver in not allowing their writers develope a reputation.

  • Siddhashunyata

    The kingpin is "shunning" the disfellowshipped and disassociated. That is the big stick that keeps everyone in line. If the membership would refuse to abide by that rule, the voice of the dissidents would be heard and things would either change or collapse.

  • blondie

    Let's not forget that Gandhi was assassinated because not all shared his views.

    If anyone has seen the politicking behind the scenes in a congegation elder body or amongst BOEs in a circuit, they would know that one person does not control anything but has to bring in supporters to strengthen their position. And, that this is constantly in flux. the GB functions much the same way. The power and the part the Helpers play (non-anointed JWs who 'assist' administratively) is not to be underestimated. The power plays between Legal and the Service Desk and the Teaching Committee shows how more than an indvidual would be needed to crack the WTS power base.

    Even if a BOE and the majority of the congregation supported a position against the WTS, the WTS would just shut it down and cut it off from the rest of the circuit. If a circuit should form as a group to oppose the WTS, the same thing would happen. The WTS would just amputate the opposition. Since 1938, the WTS has in place a top down administration.

    It is not necessary to break the WTS to break its power over us.


  • willyloman

    I think that when we begin the process of exiting the borg, we do it in stages. One stage is the desire for reform. After a while we realize the problems within the WT organization are systemic and no reform is possible, and we move on.

    Don't forget that JWs are "followers of followers" and their entire structure is based on following the path that's been paved by those walking in front of you. If someone veers off the path, especially to the extent you've described, almost NO ONE will follow them there. They've been warned, after all, that people like that simply fall off the cliff and are never seen or heard from again.

    The vast majority of dubs would be extremely uncomfortable following such an errant leader. You can see this just by the way dubs treat you once you stop going to meetings. You haven't been DF'd, you haven't DA'd yourself, you're not suddenly escorting whores around town in a pimpmobile, and yet... you are ignored and shunned simply out of fear. "The sheep sense something is wrong," as one elder put it when asked why this religion shoots its wounded.

  • lamb_neo

    I'll tell you what we need. We need a hero to shoot Jaracz in the head, maybe while he is giving an assembly talk. ;)

  • ballistic

    lamb_neo that's not funny, and I don't think coments like that are welcome on this board.

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