Free Home Bible Study

by MadApostate 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    hey closer2fine, as bill the cat would say

    ack ack ack ack ack ack


  • uriah

    OH! Yes please, I want a study oooo! OOOO!. Don't take any notice of that RUDE Aussie bum, they are all criminals, dont you know, so it's not worth trying to save them. Chains and bars (both sorts) is all they know - and sheilas and not giving a XXXX about anything. But i am ever so 'umble and want to be goooood. Damn Aussies beating us at cricket - in the nooo world bro just wait and see - now about my study...

  • MadApostate


    Don't mess with my RV count. My first report in 14 years or so should really knock them off their feet.

    Besides, this hit counter is lots more accurate than most field service reports I recall my partners making.

  • uriah

    Hey - I just realised, I am accompanying you on your RV's
    every time I read this, so I get to count the time too as well as
    the studies. And think of the virtual books and mags.
    My report is gonner knock their socks off. Withinin - ooo i dunno
    six months, I'll be an MS and well on the way to eldership.
    And when I am you'd all better watch I. I know where you all live AHAHAHAHAHA
    DfD's galore ahahahhhha aaahhhhh aaahhhh hahahhh
    I will do more single handed to the headcount
    than any change of light will ahhhahhh
    hhhh aaa hhahahaha

  • MadApostate

    When I did the last post above, I had hurriedly read several of the posts, and had originally interpreted OUTNFREE's post as in jest. However, after re-reading it, he/she replied in anger.

    What's wrong with you people. I acknowledged in my original tread that years in the Org had made me a little "goofy", to say the least, but after posting here for 2 days, I'm starting to think that I may be in better shape than most.

    This thread was intended to be humorous. Sorry, I'll restrain myself, or probably better, just go away. I don't need more negatives in my life.

  • Andee

    Hey Mad,

    I got the intent and humor of your post.


  • Billygoat

    Hey Mad,

    I got it too! I love a warped sense of humor! Just remember, some people on this board are still hurting badly from the emotional scarring. But what I think probably happened...most of the people don't know you that well yet. It'll come with time, just give us a chance to get to know you and your goofy-ness and you'll be as loved the rest of us!

    Good luck on reporting your time! Haha!


  • AGuest

    Awww, 'Mad... don't go away... mad...

    Just kidding, truthfully. Look, there are a LOT of wounds inflicted by the 'borg, as you well know... and many have yet to 'heal'. Don't take it personally, just know that that is the truth and so you may be misunderstood from time to time. No biggee...

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • outnfree

    Sheesh! Some people are SO sensitive!!!!

    I said I wouldn't make a return visit, and now, out of Christian love,
    I feel compelled to come anyway and remove the burden from off my
    brother's shoulder!


    I'm the one who asked if you were angry-Mad or crazy-Mad,
    remember? lol (I'm beginning to think it's BOTH! -- or did you say
    that already? )


  • MadApostate

    Yes, I am "sensitive", especially when someone who only 2 days ago welcomed me here, then today says:

    "BTW, don't count on a return visit soon from me to any of your posts."

    I find it difficult to find a tease/jest/etc anywhere in that statement, but if its just me, then accept my apology.

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