Dr. Phil's show on Cults....

by Will Power 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    This is due to air on Tuesday. May 2nd. Did any one write in?


  • blondie

    Ill be sure to tape it, will power. I didn't check in because I'm not ready to make a public come-out and not on the Dr. Phil Show.


  • lonelysheep

    I'll have to record it. Thanks, Will Power!

  • by grace
    by grace


    I saw the little blurb at the bottom of the screen, and I thought, man......we should all write in!! What an expose' that would be. Imagine! Looking forward to the show.

  • love11

    Monday is May 2.

    Did you mean Tues. May 3 or Mon. May 2?

  • zaphod

    i've looked on his website. no mention of cult show.



  • love11

    zaph- Me too... and I couldn't even get next weeks listings on what the shows were going to be about.

    What's up?

  • Dogpatch

    Steven Hassan sent this to me:

    You might like to know that I was told that the Dr. Phil show I taped a while back will air on Tuesday, May 3rd. To find out what channel and time in your city, go to drphil.com.

    The whole show focuses on the plight of two runaway girls from a Fundamentalist Mormon cult in Utah to escape polygamy. The ?Prophet?, Warren Jeffs, prophesied that the world would come to an end on April 6th, and then said he never said that. He reportedly has stockpiled weapons and has a group of young men committed to do whatever he directs them to do. They have a sheriff who belongs to the cult. For more information on the girls, go to http://helpthechildbrides.com/stories/fawns/mestrib-01-15-04.htm I was the cult expert and did follow up pro bono counseling with them and the family who took them in, since the show taped.



    Net Soup!


  • ChakkaConned

    It's not on his website yet for some reason. I saw the teaser during his show yesterday too. It said something like "life in a cult" coming up on tuesday. I know that he's been looking to talk to families of cult members since last October so it should be interesting. We'll just have to wait and see.

  • Es

    I wonder when we will get it in australia..I love dr phil

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