Mum is coming over today

by Es 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    Even tho i have left the "truth" not officially (long story) but in my heart I have, and I havent been to a meeting in bout 2 years or so.....and my parents know where I stand with the truth, I still stress out when my mum or dad pops in to say hello (not that is is regular). But today my mum is coming ova, my relationship has been really strained the last 3 months so I havent seen a lot of them. But instead of feeling good bout it im running round my place hiding things such as recent bday cards and my fiances clothes and movies. I hate it, its my place why cant I feel like they should just accept it all es

  • hubert

    ES, Good luck with your Mom today. Just play it cool.

    My wife goes nuts every time we are getting any company at all. ... Cleaning, straightening things out, putting things away.

    I always tell her, relax, if they don't like the place, the door swings both ways. Don't let it hit you in the ass on your way out.


  • Es

    thanks hubert they just left, mum made some excuse to go into my room prob to check it out to see if they can catch me out. But other than that it went reasonably ok es

  • Country_Woman

    Es, I can't imagine to go to my daughter "to check her out" she would instantly forbid me to enter her house now and in the future....

    Everyone is different but, you are living in your own house / appartment, and you should'nt feel forced to hide things for her, she has to accept that you are an adult. It ain't necessary for her to agree with your doings.

    I hope that things will change for you, that a visit won't disturb your life, but instead will make you happy....

  • Dismembered

    Greetings ES,

    We have to do the same BS. It's a pain having to do that but, it also a smart thing if one has to.


    "it's ok, I'm a limo driver"

  • JW83

    Es, what is the alternative? Shunning? It depends which you would hate more ...

  • Es

    I know I know you are all right and I think if it came down to it I would rather hide my things so that I could still have my folks but then that annoys me to coz why couldnt they just accept me for me? Its a catch 22. Not that things are the same between us as i didnt go to the memorial and special talk this year ... es

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