Bookstudy - Ch30 "Go On Walking In Love"

by TheListener 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Flash

    1Corinthians 13: 7 applies to our relationship with God especialy concerning the struggle He is having with Satan and our part in it and not fellow humans.

  • Euphemism

    Man, I'm not sure when the WTS disgusts me more... when they're being open with their vitriol, or when they hide it with double-speak.

    This is the book that was supposed to show how the JWs are taking a turn towards compassion. What's most amazing to me is how thoroughly it relies on the brainwashing. It's aimed primarily at Witnesses in developed countries, who've grown up in the religion, and know no other world. The idea that non-Witnesses are the 'other', who are not deserving of love (except in being preached to), is just ingrained into their psyches.

  • TheListener

    I totally agree with you Euphimism. Dubs are trained from the start that the world and everyone in it deserves to live - if they becomes dubs. Otherwise we're (the dubs) better off without them. They work and go to school with worldly people, but are trained to only listen and look for the bad things. The things like pagan holidays, or trouble with children or mates. They listen for any sign of depression or loneliness. They do this because if confirms their beliefs; and so they'll know when it's the best time to preach to someone.

    Once a dub starts to realize that all worldly people aren't evil, that they are aren't some caricature as portrayed in the literature or on the platform, they tend to be confused. Once a dub hears and listens to workmates or schoolmates talk about the good things in their life, or the happiness they have in their faith or whatever, they have a harder time hearing the same old tripe from the platform. The dub won't fall out of the truth over it, but they will slowly open themselves up to saying 'hey, what that brother said about worldly people isn't really true, in fact it's kind of offensive'.

    I've seen this happen. Once the dub starts picking apart certain aspects of the literature or talks they are on the road to really thinking. Getting them to the next step is what I have trouble with.

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