Has Anyone Heard of the Amazing Facts

by Shawn 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • barry

    Im an SDA and I know about Amazing Facts. Amazing Facts in SDA land is run by conservative SDAs they are part of the SDA church but they have different doctrine than the official SDA church. The Amazing Fact people have their own meetings separate from the churches meetings. One very strong doctrine they have is they beleive Jesus had a sinfull human nature and this one doctrine flaviours their whole theology that flys in the face of the protestant doctrine of 'righteousness by faith'.

    These conservatives have cultic idears such as they beleive they are the only true ones and everyone else is mistaken. For the most part they would shy away from going to other denominations for services.

    They are sometimes called CBs [Concerned bretherine] or Adventist catholics because of their theology. Yes they do have cultic traits. I cant reccommend them at all. Barry

  • NewLight2


    What type of group of adventists run the 3Angles TV Network?

    Are they another branch that has split off from the official SDA church?


  • Shawn

    I am going to cancel my appointment with her tomorrow. Thank you guys. That is why I came here first.

  • barry

    Gday newlight2,

    I havent heard of that group you mentioned many SDA groups have their own meetings but are still part of the SDA church. If you were an SDA youre next minister could be a conservative from Amazing Facts or even a liberal you wouldnt know unless you had a disscussion with him or it came out in his sermons.


    If you wanted to talk with this person I could tell you how to deal with them. As I said before I dont agree with much they say. Barry

  • love11

    Always beware of door to door salesmen/women. my 2 cents

  • lilbit

    HAs anyone been given the flyer trying to parallel the movie finding nemo with the prodigal son. I laughed my ass off before I tossed it in the trash

  • NewLight2


  • barry

    Gday newlight2,

    I checked out that site and chances it is an SDA concervative site as one name there caught my eye, Kenneth Cox was banned from preaching in SDA churches at one stage because he was saying Christ would come in the year 2000 or before and he was useing some JW theorys to do it. Similar to how the JWs said 6000 years would end in 1975 he was saying the same about the year 2000. These groups in the SDAs would comprise about 40% of the membership.

    Stay away from that type of religion it is legalistic and perfectionistic look for a group with the gospel. Barry

  • NewLight2

    Thanks for the information about the TV Network. I became aware of it one day while re-setting my local TV channels after one channel had changed its freq. I listened for a while and got enough info to find it on the web. That is where I had labeled it an SDA of some sorts. I hardly ever watch it, because I could tell it was 'a little off-base' from what I believe.

    Thanks again, barry.


  • jula71

    Nice.....I just went and checked thier website...amazingfacts.com

    here's what I found...seems to sum everything up:

    Pre-Order your copy today! Dynamic life changing 20-part Bible Seminar...
    Order NOW! $179.95

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