
by Chia 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chia

    Thanks for putting it into perspective, Crumpet. She is after all, worried about my everlasting death. Even so, can't she realize that it is my decision to make, not hers?

  • littletree

    Chia, I have a similar frustration. It's not with my family though, but my neighbors. Would you believe that the house directly across the street from mine is that of a JW couple?!?! And there are two other JW families on the block! They basically know all my comings and goings, and I feel anxiety everytime I leave my home. Since I'm not yet disfellowshipped (so far, i'm only a RUMORED apostate and fornicator), they do say hello, but I'm sure they've seen my boyfriend's car, or my wordly family members coming over to eat a meal on a holiday. I'll be 28 years old, and although I'd like to say that I'm an adult who makes my own decisions, having been a Witness has subjected me to this OTHER reality where I don't yet feel free to do as I please. I'm just gonna hang in there, and hope that things get easier for me, that I'll get stronger. The comfort is that I am happier now than I've ever been in all my 26 (12 baptized) years as a JW.

  • Chia

    That is frustrating, littletree. I have a friend who has a "worldly" boyfriend and has openly admitted it. You would think they'd be pleased with her honesty, but instead they are just mad that they can't DF her because they can't prove fornication. At one meeting they told her that they wanted to talk to her because her boyfriend's car had been seen in her driveway by two witnesses. She refused, and they had to drop the issue. I wonder what they will do next, look in her windows?

  • inquirer


    Being in the jw world is like living in a communist country!


    LOL! LOL! Good one! :D

  • swiftbreeze

    i know exactly how you feel. I lived in a neighborhood full of jw's. They would always drive by my house and ring my bell just because......they are some of the nosiest people ever..the funny thing is when you really are in need of help then your on your own or they tell you to pray to that i'm out i hardly ever see anyone but i still feel like there are a million eyes watching me.

  • Carmel

    It would certainly be adequate reason for me to leave, if I were still "in", that is! It doesn't take failed prophecy or joining the UN, simply proof that the "love amongst them" does not exist, hence, by their fruits, yee shall know them.


  • greendawn

    On this board one learns amazing things I never had this problem of being watched as my parents weren't JWs but now I can see what others have to go through it's like the victorian age the JWs live in a time bubble.
    Also here I confirmed that other problems i used to see in the old cong and neighbouring ones are universal not just localised, before I wasn't so sure.
    I suppose the WTS can seriously damage your mental/emotional health by rudely intruding in your private world, so avoid it.

  • Es

    After my marriage broke up and I couldnt afford to keep paying rent where i was my son and I moved back to my parents house for a while. My folks are still very much in the borg my father is an elder. Ive been fading for years.....but anyway when i was living back under there roof I was given a curfew and they wanted to know every where I had been or where i was goin. Mind you i had been married for 5 years and was a parent myself. es

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